Prayers Answered: Zach and Whitney Bates Praise God for Healthy Baby
By Movieguide® Staff
BRINGING UP THE BATES’ Zach and Whitney recently requested prayer after doctors rushed their newborn son, Jadon, to the NICU at East TN Children’s Hospital.
“Shortly after birth, his O2 levels dropped and he was transferred to NICU at East TN Children’s Hospital. As of right now, he is stable and responding to treatment,” Whitney said on Instagram, encouraging her followers to pray.
Despite the scary circumstances, Whitney and Zach remained thankful to God.
“We are so grateful to God for taking care of our little boy and thankful for the doctors and nurses working hard to get baby J healthy and ready to meet his big brother and sisters. Life doesn’t always go as planned, but we’re thankful we can trust in the Lord with confidence that His plan is always perfect,” Whitney said.
But now Whitney and Zach are praising God for answered prayers!
“GOD IS SO GOOD!” Whitney posted to her Instagram with a picture of her holding Jadon. “After 6 days of not feeling him in our arms, they removed Jadon’s chest tube and we were finally able to hold him yesterday!!!”
“Since then, they removed his central line, he’s came off of all oxygen, and they were even able to remove his feeding tube! He has made huge strides in the last 24 hours! We have felt God’s presence so strong in our lives this week,” She added. “We believe with all our hearts that the many prayers prayed for this little guy has made all the difference. With only a little more monitoring and making sure he’s able to eat sufficiently, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel and feel very close to being able to be all together as a family! Thank you Jesus!”
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However, Zach and Whitney said they had to rely on their faith in God with Jadon in NICU.
In a previous update, Whitney wrote:
We want to thank you all so much for the many prayers you have prayed for little Jadon and for your words of support and encouragement. We want to give a quick update on his condition. Last night, little J had a rough night. His oxygen levels continued dropping, and his right lung collapsed. They intubated and put him on a ventilator. He has a little chest tube on the side of his chest for the collapse. We called family and prayed, and thankfully God heard the many prayers going up! Today, Jadon has been steadily improving throughout the day, and he looks so much more peaceful. Watching him struggle to breathe the past couple days has been so heartbreaking, but now to see the turnaround this morning was a miracle! We are incredibly grateful for East Tennessee Children’s Hospital and for all of the work they have poured into our baby boy. We have been blessed with the kindest doctors and nurses who are always smiling, always willing to take the time to explain every step, and they even stopped to pray with us in the scary moments. Times like these really show us how big our God is and how fragile and small we really are. They also make us very grateful for the people God places in our life that encourage us during those difficult times. As you continue praying for Jadon, we do ask that you also remember all of the other families here at Children’s Hospital that are facing tragedies and difficult times in their lives as well. We love you all and grateful for each one of you.
Please continue to pray for the Bates family during this time.
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