SPY KIDS Star Is Unapologetically Pro-Life
By Movieguide® Contributor
Great American Family actress Alexa PenaVega values life, both inside the womb and out.
In a discussion with Christine Yeargin on “Speak Out: Powered by Students for Life,” the SPY KIDS star shared her heart on the matter.
“I honestly believe that you either believe in life as life, as a whole, and you see babies, whether babies are in the womb or outside of the womb, as life, or you don’t,” she began. “I just can’t see anything past like, once life begins, that is a whole baby. That is a beautiful life. And for me, I will do whatever it takes to protect that.
PenaVega explained how a lot of people don’t understand what it means to be “pro-life.” It’s not just about the baby; it’s about supporting the mother as well.
“I think a lot of people feel like in today’s day and age, if you’re pro-life that means you’re just pro-birth. I think that’s a huge misconception on what being pro-life means. Pro-life means, like, all of life. Like looking at the aspect of the child, but also the mom. The mom needs resources, the mom needs help, she needs love and guidance and sometimes finances,” she said.
She also commented on the heartbreaking reality that many who aren’t pro-life believe babies can just be disposed of.
The numbers are devasting. The Guttmacher Institute reported, “New findings from the Monthly Abortion Provision Study show that an estimated 1,037,000 abortions occurred in the formal health care system in 2023… This represents a rate of 15.9 abortions per 1,000 women of reproductive age, and is a 11% increase since 2020, the last year for which comprehensive estimates are available. It is also the highest number and rate measured in the United States in over a decade.”
“It breaks my heart that people have been really manipulated into thinking that human life is just so disposable,” PenaVega continued. “And they can’t even look at a baby as something that is a human, that is alive. They keep using like ‘clump of cells,’ and I’m just like ‘well we’re a clump of cells then,’ because we have tons of cells in our body.”
PenaVega helped a young mom choose life for her baby. Movieguide® reported:
PenaVega also shared the story of when she helped a pregnant teen, saving the life of an unborn child.
She explained that last year a “well-known” man reached out to her and said that a young woman had messaged him because her sister was going to have an abortion, and she was a fan of PenaVega. He asked her to join a call with the girl.
“I was so excited at this possibility,” she said. “But I’ve also never had this conversation before—what do you say to a young girl who’s in this position? I think she was 16 or 17 and she’s just in this position of ‘I don’t know what to do.’”
The two spent about an hour and a half talking.
“I just told her about that joy that I have with my kids and the greatest thing that I ever felt was like being able to tuck them in at night a like seeing their beautiful little sleeping faces… Those are moments that just are so life-giving. They’re so simple and yet they’re the most beautiful things you can experience as a mom.”
Life from conception is something the actress understands even more profoundly following the stillbirth of her daughter Indy this spring.
“Grief has come to us in waves,” she and husband Carlos posted in April. “Moments of feeling absolutely gutted… then moments of feeling blessed by just getting a moment with her. Indy Rex PenaVega, you completely changed our world.”
The couple are open to having more children, though.
“And [it’s] so weird how your emotions find these roller coasters. Indy is always going to be a part of our family. Even though she’s in heaven, she’s always going to be a part of our family. But we would love to do this again, and it is a little scary to think about, but I really want to try again.”