Why Sean McDowell Gives ‘A Lot of Grace’ to Professional Athletes
By Movieguide® Contributor
Author, speaker, husband, father, and professor, Sean McDowell, discussed his reasons as to why he has “a lot of grace” for professional athletes.
“I have a lot grace for athletes who are 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, years old who are thrust onto this stage and there’s people filming anything they say looking to take them down and criticize them, especially if they are Christians,” McDowell began to say on the Sports Spectrum Podcast with Jason Romano.
“So, I have grace because sometimes in my life, I see in the church, we put athletes on this pedestal that’s just not fair. It’s not right and don’t allow them to make mistakes,” he continued. “That’s just where I have huge grace.”
Whether or not the professional athlete wants to be put on a pedestal, they are.
They are also seen as role models whether they like it or not.
“Now on the flip side, When Charles Barkley said years ago, ‘I’m not a role model.’ I was like, ‘Too bad. You are. You’ve chosen to enter into this,’ McDowell said. “So there is an extra element of just responsibility for any athlete and Christian athletes. So, I love to see athletes do it wisely and strategically and boldly.”
“I see the influence on my son,” he added. “We were watching a game the other day and I’m like, ‘Hey. That guy is a follower of Jesus.’ and that gave me an opportunity to point out to my son, he [the professional player] loves the game but he also loves Jesus.”
“In college, McDowell played college basketball at Biola and was a captain his senior year on a team that went 30-7. Now in 2024, his son, Scott, is a freshman on the same Biola University basketball team,” Sports Spectrum wrote of McDowell.
According to his website, “McDowell is a gifted communicator with a passion for equipping the church, and in particular young people, to make the case for the Christian faith. He connects with audiences in a tangible way through humor and stories while imparting hard evidence and logical support for viewing all areas of life through a Biblical worldview.”
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