

"Distasteful, Slow and Ludicrous"

What You Need To Know:

DEEP WATER is a silly thriller on Hulu about two people in a twisted open marriage where the wife’s lovers end up dead or missing. Ben Affleck plays Vic, a successful microchip developer who made a fortune and retired early. His wife, Melinda, spends her days living off his wealth and sleeping with an endless array of men she calls “friends.” Vic not only knows about her lovers, but allows her to be with them so long as he gets to meet them. The idiotic plot revolves around Vic telling a young lover of Melinda’s that he killed a missing former lover of hers.

Director Adrian Lyne has made a tawdry career of sexually charged movies, but DEEP WATER doesn’t work nearly as well as those other movies. It has numerous scenes of alcohol use in a laughably endless series of house parties Vic and Melinda attend nightly, despite having a young daughter. Finally, the sex scenes are brief but graphic, and Melinda engages in gross sexual dialogue several times. DEEP WATER is rancid garbage that smart viewers will want to miss.


(PaPaPa, LLL, VV, SSS, NN, AA, DD, MM):

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:
Very strong pagan worldview in a morally corrupt and despicable tale of a man who allows his wife to have as many lovers as she wants as long as he meets them, and then becomes a suspect in the lovers’ disappearances and murders

Foul Language:
At least 33 obscenities (mostly “f” words), three Jesus profanities, and four GD profanities

Male protagonist menacingly threatens several other men, man claims to have killed a missing man, protagonist also strangles another man in a swimming pool and drops his head on concrete to kill him and then purposely performs CPR wrongly to ensure he dies, protagonist drives dangerously through woods and terrifies another male passenger before throwing heavy rocks at the man and drawing bloody wounds from him before the man falls off a ledge to his apparent death in the woods, protagonist then takes the fallen man to the edge of a river, weighs him down so he sinks and leaves him to drown, that man later comes to and the protagonist gets in a fist fight with him before he hops in a car and is chased through the woods by a witness, the chasing witness eventually drives his car over a cliff, killing himself and enabling the protagonist to get away with all his vicious crimes, protagonist slaps his wife hard in the face once

Adulterous sex is implied throughout with the added sick twist that the protagonist allows his wife to take lovers as long as he meets them, three brief yet intense sex scenes, and graphic talk about sex throughout movie

A woman is seen with breasts exposed and implying that her privates are visible to the men she’s with at various points in the movie

Alcohol Use:
Casual drinking is shown throughout, with the main female getting drunk several times, plus a father gives his very young daughter a glass of wine

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
No smoking but marijuana smoking is shown positively for laughs in two scenes; and,

Miscellaneous Immorality:
A morally debased marriage is depicted without judgment throughout, with no moral resolution. Protagonist lies to many other characters.

More Detail:

Streaming in Hulu, DEEP WATER is a thriller about two people in a completely immoral, twisted open marriage where the wife’s wide array of lovers end up dead or missing, and the husband is suspected of the murders. DEEP WATER is morally debased, painfully slow, laughably stupid, and features terrible lead performances. It’s one of the worst movies MOVIEGUIDE®’s seen in the last 10 years.

Vic (Ben Affleck) is a highly successful microchip developer who made a fortune and retired extremely early. His wife Melinda apparently spends her days living off his wealth and having sex with an endless array of men she calls “friends.”

Vic not only knows about her lovers, but openly allows her to be with them, as long as he gets to meet the men. This twisted dynamic is never explained. Why would an extremely handsome multimillionaire allow himself to be cheated and humiliated? On top of this adulterous behavior, Melinda constantly emasculates Vic further by mocking him in both private and public.

If ever there was a couple for whom divorce would be justified, it’s this one. They are both despicable, completely unsympathetic people who are wildly stupid to boot. The entire movie’s idiotic plot centers around the fact that Vic tells a young lover of Melinda’s that he killed a missing former lover of hers. Vic must then deal with people accusing him of the killing he flat-out admitted to already.

If Vic hadn’t opened his own mouth, no one would have ever suspected him. So now we have a man who lets his wife walk all over him and is dumb enough to admit being a murderer. As he proceeds to keep threatening and killing her other “friends,” the plot gets more ludicrous by the second.

Will Vic get away with the murders? More importantly, why should anyone care?

Director Adrian Lyne (FATAL ATTRACTION, 9 ½ WEEKS, UNFAITHFUL) has made a tawdry career of sexually charged movies, but this movie doesn’t work nearly as well as those hit movies on any level. DEEP WATER also has numerous scenes of alcohol use in the movie’s laughably endless series of house parties Vic and Melinda are seeming to attend on a nightly basis, despite having a young daughter. Also, the sex scenes in DEEP WATER are brief but quite graphic, and Melinda engages in gross sexual dialogue on several occasions.

There’s a reason a movie starring an Oscar-winning superstar like Affleck can only wind up on A third-rate streaming service like Hulu. It was supposed to be a real and solid movie worthy of movie screens but ended up being a seriously flawed work unworthy of being shown in cineplexes.

DEEP WATER’s garbage script is written by two men, including the morally debased Sam Levinson (HBO’s EUPHORIA and the vile ASSASINATION NATION), who with that series and that movie has driven Hollywood to new depths of depravity. He should have been mentally evaluated rather than rewarded with another screenplay sale.

DEEP WATER is rancid garbage that smart viewers will want to avoid for both artistic and moral reasons.

Quality: - Content: +1
Quality: - Content: +1