

What You Need To Know:

HANSEL & GRETEL: WITCH HUNTERS is an action horror movie. After their father leaves them in the woods and doesn’t return, Hansel and Gretel encounter their first evil witch. They kill her, and then embark on a career of killing witches for hire. Cut to Hansel and Gretel as adults. They are being hired to find and return some children kidnapped by evil witches for nefarious purposes. Eventually, they become the hunted themselves. They also learn some secrets about their parents, including their mother.

HANSEL & GRETEL: WITCH HUNTERS is, in part, intended to be cute, with some campy humor. It’s not intended to be taken seriously. Also, the “heroes” use the “f” word in a medieval setting. They are “modern” tough. HANSEL & GRETEL is rated R for foul language, brief nudity and extreme bloody, gruesome action violence. Worse, perhaps, this low quality, nasty movie comes with a very strong occult worldview where white witches battle evil witches. There’s no such thing as a good witch, however, according to God. Therefore, media-wise moviegoers will want to avoid this HANSEL & GRETEL.


(OOO, PaPa, B, C, LL, VVV, S, NN, DD, M) Very strong occult worldview with some strong mixed or pagan content about very evil black witches and some “good” white witches, plus the two title characters who [SPOILER] don’t know their mother was a white witch so they can be too, including the use of physical weapons like guns, primitive taser weapons and knives to fight, defeat and kill evil black witches who kidnap children to sacrifice them for an occult result (but their plans for the children and other occult projects are defeated, with some light moral elements about rescuing children and stopping evil, one mention of God in one line – “Even God knows better than to come here” – and some light redemptive elements of sacrifice; 16 obscenities (including some “f” words), no profanities, and under a spell man eats worms then vomits them on people; some very strong, extreme R-rated violence and plenty of action violence includes fighting, shooting, stabbing, beheading, hanging, burnings, man under a spell blows his head off, man’s head squashed by a large creature, and lots of blood splattering on faces and clothing; one sexual moment where woman disrobes and where a man and the woman kiss while naked in a lake; upper female nudity when a woman disrobes and walks into lake, with back and breasts exposed; witches use some sort of potion (drugs); and, revenge, dishonesty, children kidnapped by evil forces.

More Detail:

HANSEL & GRETEL: WITCH HUNTERS features two children who grow up killing witches and become medieval superheroes. Filled with occult content about very evil black witches and some “good” white witches, foul language, and excessive bloody violence, the movie is not fit for viewing by discerning audiences.

The movie opens with a father taking young Hansel and Gretel into the woods. He tells them to stay and that he’ll be back, but he doesn’t return. Hansel and Gretel come across a candy house, are lured inside, and wind up fighting their first witch. As the opening credits start to roll, their childhood exploits as witch hunters are extolled.

Cut to Hansel and Gretel as adults. They are being hired to find and return some children kidnapped by evil witches for nefarious purposes. Eventually, they become the hunted themselves. They also learn some secrets about their parents, including their mother.

The story in HANSEL & GRETEL involves white and black witches. The black witches certainly make witchcraft look horrible. The white witches are shown to be heroic. The problem is that witchcraft is presented with Hollywood CGI effects in such a way as to make them more like movie monsters than real people. Thus, the filmmakers seem to have their tongues firmly planted in their cheeks. They treat their story in a campy way designed to provoke some laughs.

However, witchcraft is a very real activity condemned by God. It does involve curses, spells, and demonic activity. Even though the movie shows dark witchcraft to be despicable and revolting, it comes across as just as unreal as zombies, aliens, and werewolves. It’s not, however. Also, you can’t defeat evil sorcery and witchcraft by “white” witchcraft.

The Bible says in Ephesians 6:12, “Our fight is not against people on earth but against the rulers and authorities and the powers of this world’s darkness, against the spiritual powers of evil in the heavenly world.” Real witchcraft involves “the powers of this world’s darkness.” Combating darkness involves prayer and faith, not wooden stakes or witch burnings. Spiritual warfare is just that – spiritual.

The danger is that naive people, completely blind to spiritual warfare, will dabble in bad things they have no idea are bad. Therefore, witchcraft isn’t something to dismiss as simple movie monster fodder.

Of course, HANSEL & GRETEL: WITCH HUNTERS is, in part, intended to be cute. The “heroes” use the “f” in a medieval setting. They are “modern” tough. Finally, while the visuals and special effects are up to Hollywood’s gruesome standards for this sort of R-rated movie, Movieguide® finds HANSEL & GRETEL to be of low quality simply because it relies so heavily on nastiness to tell its story.

Sixty million dollars worth of blood and gore is not “quality.” HANSEL & GRETEL is one movie media-wise consumers will want to avoid, even if they fit the age level intended by the R rating.

Quality: - Content: -3
Quality: - Content: -3