


A few obscenities, vulgarities and scatological humor

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This tepid and somewhat boring film tells about a young man (Robert Hays) who is a writer and believes he sees a mysterious man stealing the purse of a woman in a library. Actually, the woman, Chris, works for a travel agency which is a front for the State Department.

Of course, she cannot tell him who she is, even after they marry, just five weeks later. Off they go on their honeymoon, only to be followed by an undercover agent working for the State Department. It seems that for the free honeymoon they received from the travel agency, a small favor is required.

Chris is instructed to deliver a large sum of money to Lazos (Christopher Lee), and he in turn will deliver his absolutely perfect $20 printing plates. However, the “other side” knows about this, too; so, chases throughout the streets and back roads of rural Spain ensue.

After much pursuit, Chris confides in her husband about her past, and the two of them continue to elude a not-so-funny trio of bad guys. A scene which typifies the type of humor found in the film shows two of the henchmen urinating in a small stream, backs to the viewer, with the leader of the group drinking water about 10 feet downstream.

Of course, the ending is quite predictable, with Chris and her husband out of harm’s way and completing their honeymoon. In all, HONEYMOON ACADEMY is not recommend, not necessarily because of any bad elements (there are few), but rather because it is a lame attempt, sure to end up on cable or video any day now. Better pass on this one.

Quality: - Content: +1
Quality: - Content: +1