

"R-Rated Sex and Violence on Steroids"

What You Need To Know:

In SHOOT ‘EM UP, an enigmatic man calling himself John Smith sees a pregnant woman about to give birth being followed by two evil-looking men with guns. He stops them and dozens of men with guns and automatic weapons from killing the woman before the baby is born. The mother dies from a gunshot wound, so Smith grabs the newborn baby like a football while he keeps shooting back at the bad guys. After more gunfights, Smith discovers that the villains want to erase all traces of the baby, not just the baby itself. Amid a hail of more bullets, Smith teams up with DQ, a gorgeous lactating prostitute, to solve the mystery of why these people want the baby dead.

SHOOT ‘EM UP is R-rated sex and violence on steroids. The title only tells half the story. Not only is there constant gunplay in every conceivable way possible, but there is also plenty of blood depicted and a fair amount of explicit sex, nudity and foul language. It’s all played with dark, tongue-in-cheek humor in a campy style. For bad measure, the movie includes a contradictory message supporting gun control.


(PaPaPa, PCPC, B, AB, LLL, VVV, SSS, NN, M) Very strong, somewhat mixed pagan worldview with a contradictory politically correct message against guns, plus some moral business about trying to protect a newborn baby from evil forces and anti-Christian elements where prostitutes have set up business in an abandoned church and a prostitute wears a nun’s habit; 41 obscenities, five strong profanities, seven light profanities, diaper feces, and some obscene gestures; extreme, frequently graphic or bloody, imitative violence, mostly involving many guns, including nearly constant gunfights, chase scenes, many pointblank shootings, villain tortures woman with hot gun barrel, and villain breaks hero’s fingers; very strong sexual content includes explicit extended fornication scene during one gunfight, brief shot of fornication, prostitution, references to perverse sexual practice, and sadomasochism in one scene; shots of upper and rear female nudity, rear male nudity, and jokes about woman breast-feeding a baby that’s not her own; no alcohol use; no smoking; and, deliberately breeding babies for blood marrow transplants .

More Detail:

The title of SHOOT ‘EM UP tells moviegoers what they’ll get, but it only tells half the story. Not only is there constant gunplay in every conceivable way possible, but there is also plenty of blood depicted and a fair amount of explicit sex, nudity and foul language.

The movie opens with the enigmatic John Smith sitting on a street bench at night. A pregnant woman about to give birth passes by quickly and turns down the alley. Two nasty-looking men with guns follow her. Smith follows them. The men start shooting at the woman. Smith finds out that the woman also has a gun. More men show up shooting at her. Smith helps the woman give birth and takes her gun. The woman dies from a gunshot wound. Smith grabs the newborn baby like a football, managing to get more guns as he slaughters one after another of the men.

The infant is the target of a shadowy force with an endless supply of assailants, led by an angry hitman named Hertz. Smith soon discovers that they want to erase all traces of the baby, not just the baby itself. Amid a hail of more bullets, Smith teams up with DQ, a gorgeous lactating prostitute, to solve the mystery of why these people want the baby dead.

The plot and characters in SHOOT ‘EM UP are over the top, played with dark, tongue-in-cheek humor in a campy style. The filmmakers spice the action with a harangue against gun ownership. The “hero” discovers that the bad guys are using new guns developed by an evil gunmaker who has blackmailed a politician favoring gun control. Viewers learn that Smith is the heir of British gunmakers and that Smith’s own family was killed by robbers using guns made by Smith.

Not counting the almost constant gunplay, there are some incredible stunts in SHOOT ‘EM UP. That said, its liberal hypocrisy about guns and its R-rated sex, violence, nudity, and foul language are abhorrent. Besides the fact that the baby lives through all this, the only good news is that the movie’s sex and violence takes screen time away from spouting obscenities and profanities.

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Quality: - Content: +2
Quality: - Content: +2