

"Revealing Today's Terrorist Threat"

What You Need To Know:

THE PATH TO 9/11 is some of the best television that has been produced in years. A six-hour miniseries, it is so compelling that you won't be able to stop watching it once it starts. Based on the 9/11 Commission's report on the terrorist destruction of the World Trade Center in 2001, this television epic tells the story from the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center up to and through the 2001 tragedy. The main character is FBI agent John O'Neill, played brilliantly by Harvey Keitel. Through his investigation, the audience sees that the government had a tremendous amount of information pointing to Osama Bin Laden's 2001 plot, which they chose to ignore.

THE PATH TO 9/11 is a fascinating story. It also is a very conservative story, with a strong Christian worldview and very strong moral elements. It is clear from the miniseries that Muslim terrorists are at war with the United States. It is also clear that there are people in government trying to protect people, but they are often thwarted by the politically correct and timid. Everyone should watch THE PATH TO 9/11 on Sept. 10 and 11.


(CC, BBB, FR, LL, VV, N, A, M) Strong overt Christian worldview with very strong moral elements, a terrorist discusses talking to a priest about forgiveness and reconciliation with God and man but the terrorist decides that Allah calls him to go to war, prayers and appeals to God by Christians and Muslims are woven into the story, which is constructed as a docudrama; 17 light obscenities and three Oh my Gods, with Muslim terrorists invoking God's name frequently when referring to Allah; intense jeopardy and TV violence in blowing up buildings, people come out of buildings with blood on hands and face, shooting people point black, warfare scenes in Muslim territories between rival factions, but no spurting blood and clearly TV-type violence, not excessive motion picture violence; no onscreen sex, couple that could be married are shown in bed; upper male nudity and disco dancers in nightclubs in the orient; drinking; no smoking; and, falsification of papers, demonstrations of how to make bombs, and demonstrations of how to get past airport security.

More Detail:

THE PATH TO 9/11 is some of the best television that has been produced in years. A six-hour miniseries, it is so compelling that I wanted to watch it through to the end in one night.

Using the 9/11 Commission’s report on the terrorist destruction of the World Trade Center in 2001, this television epic tells the story from the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center up to and through the 2001 tragedy. The main character is FBI agent John O’Neill, played brilliantly by Harvey Keitel. Through his investigation of the 1993 bombings, the audience sees that the government had a tremendous amount of information pointing to Osama Bin Laden’s 2001 9/11 plot, which they chose to ignore. Bill Clinton’s administration comes off poorly in this regard, and they have complained about the portrayal of the people in that administration as soft on terrorism. The Bush administration does not start off well, but eventually starts to take things more seriously. Even so, they are not prepared for the 2001 attack.

John O’Neill, Richard Clarke and a few who are considered hawks grasp the threat to the United States and the necessity of stopping these terrorists. Several terrorist events were thwarted. Key terrorists are shown plotting and designing bombs. The Northern Alliance in Afghanistan may have been able to stop Al Qaeda, but the U.S. fails to support them adequately.

THE PATH TO 9/11 is a fascinating story. It also is a very conservative story, with a strong Christian worldview and very strong moral elements. John O’Neill and Clarke say that the government has to protect the American people. They are frustrated by the fact that their hands are tied with regard to exploring the leads that would give them the information they need. A computer found in Manila gave them enough information to thwart one terrorist plot, but O’Neill complains that the courts will prevent them from reviewing the terrorists’ computers or phone calls in the United States. Thus, the movie makes a case for surveillance, vigilance and pre-emptive investigations. It is clear from the movie that Muslim terrorists are at war with the United States. It is clear that there are people in government trying to protect the United States. It is also clear that there are some who are so timid or politically correct that they are incapable of action, including former President Clinton.

The miniseries also contains some explicit, but brief Christian discussion. At one point, a terrorist says he talked to a priest in Hamburg who told him that he could be reconciled with God and man, but the terrorist told the priest that Allah told him he wanted him to make war on Allah’s enemies. At another point, a fire department chaplain is standing outside the WTC specifically praying for survival. Several others, including a flight attendant, pray in the movie.

Islam does not come off well in this movie. Instead, the movie realistically portrays it as a barbarous, self-destructive, mean-spirited religion, although there are good Muslims portrayed in the movie.

This program should be watched by everyone. Then, they should go see WORLD TRADE CENTER. Each one of them is excellent, and each one tells a different part of the story to 9/11. THE PATH TO 9/11 is the grand scheme. The WORLD TRADE CENTER is an intimate portrait of the miracle of God’s salvation. If enough people watch these movies, it could give a renewed sense of faith, family and patriotism to the United States of America. A recent poll from the Barna Group suggested that 9/11 did not have a long-term impact. This TV mini-series will set the record straight and help people understand that we need to be forever conscious of our responsibilities and vigilant in defense of our freedom and civilization.

Quality: - Content: +4
Quality: - Content: +1