

"Politically Correct Family Values"

What You Need To Know:

THE PERFECT FAMILY is a politically correct Anti-Christian comedy. It follows Eileen, a middle-aged Cincinnati Catholic woman who’s ritualistically devout in her faith. Eileen constantly volunteers in her church in every possible way and prays daily after Mass. Her priest tells her she’s been nominated for Catholic woman of the year, but it hinges on the priest and bishop meeting Eileen’s seemingly devout family. The problem is, her daughter is homosexual, pregnant and living with her girlfriend. Also, her son has decided to divorce his wife and pursue a new romance. Of course, Eileen and her loving husband have their own skeletons. Eileen realizes she should just admit that her life and family aren’t perfect.

THE PERFECT FAMILY is shot well and presented with heartfelt warm emotion. However, the emotion is designed mostly (if not solely) to make politically correct points against devout Christians and church teachings. In reality, it has a cold, callous attitude toward devout Christians. The ending’s insidious embrace of sin and attack on biblical values undercuts the apparent earlier embrace of conservative characters. THE PERFECT FAMILY is an abhorrent, politically correct attack on biblical standards.


(RoRoRo, PCPCPC, ABABAB, HoHoHo, C, FRFRFR, LL, SS, AA, MMM) Very strong Romantic, politically correct, Anti-Christian (including Anti-Catholic) worldview in satire about an “uptight,” middle-aged Catholic woman who wants to win the honor of being Catholic woman of the year in her city by pretending her family is perfect, when in reality they are all hypocrites, with very strong politically correct pro-homosexual content, plus some Christian content dealing with the movie’s more non-controversial aspects and an antinomian attitude pervades the movie and its antinomian or lawless premise reacting to the female protagonist’s works righteousness trying to live a “perfect” life; 11 obscenities and profanities; strong but not really explicit sexual immorality concerning Catholic woman’s lesbian daughter living with her girlfriend (the two have planted an in vitro pregnancy to have a child), with the lesbian couple acting romantically with light affectionate kisses in front of the daughter’s offended mother, plus son is pursuing another woman after getting divorced, which isn’t allowed by the Catholic Church; no nudity; references to past alcoholism of woman’s husband; no smoking or drugs; and, lying, a joke about the Eucharist host, people spy and cheat and backstab to win Catholic woman of the year award, it’s revealed protagonist had an abortion 20 years before and is trying to make up for it by living a “perfect” life, hypocrisy condemned but in a politically correct manner, and family harmony is advocated over doing the right thing.

More Detail:

THE PERFECT FAMILY is a politically correct Anti-Christian comedy about an “uptight,” middle-aged Catholic woman trying to win the honor of being Catholic woman of the year in her city by pretending her family is perfect, when in reality they are all hypocrites. It deceptively appears to be filled with heartfelt emotion, but in reality, it’s a cynical attempt to portray devout Catholics as hypocrites.

The story follows Eileen, a middle-aged Cincinnati Catholic woman who’s ritualistically devout in her faith. Eileen constantly volunteers in her church in every possible way and constantly prays daily after Mass. Her priest informs her she’s been nominated for Catholic woman of the year, but it hinges on the priest and bishop meeting Eileen’s seemingly devout family. The problem is, her daughter is homosexual, pregnant, and living with her girlfriend. Also, her son has decided to divorce his wife and pursue a new relationship against Church teachings.

Eileen throws herself into a philosophy of works-based goodness, ramping up the amount of good deeds she can do to a near-constant level, yet barely speaking to her own family. As Eileen’s daughter undergoes a miscarriage and her husband asks to separate and moves out to the firehouse where he works as a fireman, Eileen ultimately realizes she should just admit her life and family aren’t perfect. [SPOILERS FOLLOW] This honest admission wins her the award anyway. In the end, however, she’s gone to the other extreme of philosophy and embraces her son and daughter, warts and all, as if the Catholic Church, and Christians in general, truly are crazy for having moral standards against abortion or homosexuality, and in favor of abstinence before marriage. Eileen’s decision to change comes about for the wrong reasons: to excuse her own past abortion and excuse the sins of her children.

THE PERFECT FAMILY is shot well and presented with warm emotion. In actually, however, it has a cold, callous attitude towards traditional, conservative Catholics and Christians. Its insidious embrace of sin and casting aside any traditional values at the end trumps the mild spirit and the embrace of conservative characters earlier in the story.

THE PERFECT FAMILY is an abhorrent, politically correct attack on biblical standards and the Christian churches or denominations that uphold them.

Quality: - Content: +3
Quality: - Content: +2