

"God’s Unique Gift of Creation"


What You Need To Know:

THE PRIVILEGED PLANET is an eye-opening documentary by Jay Richards and Illustra Media with a very strong Christian worldview. It contradicts the notion that Earth is just a tiny, insignificant speck of dust adrift in a vast, cosmic sea. The Earth’s position in the solar system, for example, is exactly within the habitable belt for human life. A few degrees off, and Earth would be uninhabitable, like Mars or Venus. Its atmosphere, plate tectonics and other geophysics are also uniquely suitable for complex life. One after another, this terrific DVD shows the uniqueness of the planet. In the process, it investigates a lot of geophysicists and astrophysicists who started out with Darwinian and Carl Sagan prejudices about the planet, and have moved inexorably toward intelligent design by investigating the facts from each of their disciplines.

THE PRIVILEGED PLANET should be seen by everyone, especially scientists, teachers, the press, children, and the ridiculous ACLU. It is highly, highly, highly recommended. Jay Richards and Illustra Media are producing the most brilliant and eloquent documentaries on intelligent design and, in fact, on any subject. MOVIEGUIDE® congratulates them on their efforts, which are making a significant difference in the world.


(CCC) Brilliant, very Christian, very theistic worldview.

GENRE: Documentary

More Detail:

Jay Richards and Illustra Media are producing the most brilliant and eloquent documentaries on intelligent design and, in fact, on any subject.

THE PRIVILEGED PLANET, a documentary with a very strong Christian worldview, investigates the Copernican problem that derives from the fact that many modern scientists claim earth is a tiny, insignificant speck of dust adrift in a vast, cosmic sea. THE PRIVILEGED PLANET, however, brilliantly and beautifully shows just how unique the Earth is.

The Earth’s position in the solar system, for example, is exactly within the habitable belt for human life. A few degrees off in either direction, and Earth would be uninhabitable, like Mars or Venus. Its atmosphere, plate tectonics and other geophysics are uniquely suitable for complex life.

When Voyager photographed Earth from the edge of the solar system, it had a unique position with respect to the sun’s light. Another move out of the visual spectrum in either direction would have closed the door on complex carbon life forms.

One after another, this terrific DVD shows the uniqueness of the planet. In the process, it investigates a lot of geophysicists and astrophysicists who started out with Darwinian and Carl Sagan prejudices about the planet, and have moved inexorably toward intelligent design by investigating the facts from each of their disciplines.

THE PRIVILEGED PLANET should be seen by everyone, especially scientists, teachers, the press, children, and the ridiculous ACLU. It is highly, highly, highly recommended.

Quality: - Content: +4
Quality: - Content: +4