"Finding Strength and Hope Through God and Family"

None | Light | Moderate | Heavy | |
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What You Need To Know:
WORLD TRADE CENTER is a stirring, suspenseful, patriotic, and inspiring portrayal of a sobering day in America's history. It is Oliver Stone's best, most heartfelt movie. And, it has some of the most positive Christian content from a major Hollywood movie this year. It contains a very strong Christian worldview with very strong morally uplifting, pro-family content. It also is one of the most pro-American movies of the year. The only major drawback is that it contains too much foul language, so MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution.
(CCC, BBB, PPP, LLL, VV, N, D, M) Very strong Christian worldview with very strong moral, pro-family, pro-American, and pro-military content and elements, including positive references to Jesus, positive Christian characters and man quotes most of the Lord’s Prayer, loving families are depicted, positive portrayals of America and Americans in crisis, a no-nonsense U.S. Marine is shown to be a Christian with a sense of God and duty, a positive portrayal of President George Bush and his leadership in one scene, and people help and inspire one another; 16 obscenities (including one “f” word), 12 profanities; no sex scenes but two married couples shown sleeping in same bed, married couple holds one another in bed, and husband kisses pregnant wife in bed; brief upper male nudity as man takes shower; no alcohol; some smoking; and, married couple have drifted apart but tragic situation brings them back together and man says the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks must be avenged.
More Detail:
WORLD TRADE CENTER is a stirring, suspenseful, patriotic, and ultimately inspiring portrayal of a sobering day in America’s history. It is Oliver Stone’s best, most heartfelt movie. And, it has some of the most pro-family, pro-American, and pro-Christian content from a major Hollywood movie this year.
The movie tells the story of two New York City Port Authority officers, John McLoughlin and Will Jimeno, who get trapped underneath the rubble of the World Trade Center on Sept. 11’s terrorist attack by dedicated Muslim fanatics. With debris tumbling down on them, John and Will wait desperately for a rescue that may never come. Not only does the movie tell the ordeal they endure, it also describes how their disappearance and a rescue attempt affect their families, especially their wives, Donna and Allison. Finally, it focuses on two U.S. Marines searching for survivors.
WORLD TRADE CENTER stars Nicolas Cage and Michael Peña as the two officers, Maria Bello and Maggie Gyllenhaal as their wives, and Michael Shannon as one of the Marines.
WORLD TRADE CENTER holds viewers on the edge of their seats. It is emotionally powerful without being maudlin. John and Will keep each other alive by making sure each one stays awake, because sleep is liable to bring unconsciousness and death. John also keeps alive by thinking about his family, even though over the years he and his wife have drifted apart. Will also keeps alive by thinking about his family, especially his pregnant wife. He also finds strength and hope through Jesus.
Outside their would-be tomb, people come from around the country to help out. One of them is a no-nonsense Marine, Staff Sergeant Dave Karnes. Karnes is a Christian who feels called by God to serve his country and help people in need.
In their homes, John and Will’s families find the going tough. They fear the worst, but hope, love and strength see them through the most difficult times.
WORLD TRADE CENTER has a very strong Christian worldview with positive references to Jesus and His death on the Cross. It also contains very strong moral content that extols the importance of family and has a positive view of America, including police officers, firefighters and the United States military. The only major drawback is that the movie contains too much foul language, so MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution. Otherwise, this is a must-see movie.