

"Marred by Godless, Lawless Romanticism"


What You Need To Know:

THE KISSING BOOTH 2 follows a high school senior named Elle. Elle must decide where she’s going to college in the fall, while dealing with the distraction of a new love interest. Elle’s boyfriend, Noah, is attending Harvard University. So, the two of them are trying to manage a long distance relationship. At the same time, there’s a handsome new guy at school named Marco. When Elle enters a dance competition and has to recruit Marco to dance with her, they start to get along and have great chemistry. Ultimately, Elle must decide between Noah and Marco.

KISSING BOOTH 2 is another Netflix teen-centered romantic comedy drama that’s entertaining, but that drags on a bit and is somewhat predictable. Despite some positive moral elements, KISSING BOOTH 2 has a strong Non-Christian, Romantic worldview about doing whatever your heart desires, without any bad repercussions or consequences. Also, the teenagers in the movie sleep together and have fake IDs to drink at bars. KISSING BOOTH 2 also has more foul language than the first movie. MOVIEGUIDE® advises extreme caution for both KISSING BOOTH movies.


(RoRo, B, PC, Ho, LLL, V, S, N, AA, M):

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:
Strong Romantic worldview about following one’s heart, with multiple characters hoping that another won’t feel bad, this does get rebuked though; one character has a moral worldview as they stay committed to the other character, and politically correct homosexual elements where one character has a storyline about “coming out” as homosexual

Foul Language:
27 obscenities, 14 profanities

one character almost gets in a fist fight with another but does not go through with it

One scene shows two teenagers wearing clothes kissing on a bed, and it’s implied they sleep together, and there are references to one character publicly declaring they’re homosexual

upper male nudity

Alcohol Use:
Underage drinking, underage character has a fake ID in order to get drinks

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
No smoking or drugs; and,

Miscellaneous Immorality:

More Detail:

THE KISSING BOOTH 2 follows a high school senior who must make a big decision on where she will be going to college in the fall, in the midst of the distraction of a new love interest. KISSING BOOTH 2 is another teen-centered romantic comedy from Netflix that’s entertaining, but that drags on a little bit and is somewhat predictable. Despite some positive moral elements, it has a strong Non-Christian Romantic worldview with questionable elements, including lots of foul language, underage drinking, references to teenage sexual activity, and some pro-homosexual content.

Elle is going into her senior year in high school, alongside her best friend, Lee. Elle’s boyfriend, Noah, who’s Lee’s brother, has gone away to college at Harvard. Elle is saddened by Noah’s absence, but she tries to make the best of it. When a new guy named Marco comes to school, Elle is heard over the school speaker saying that he’s very attractive.

Marco decides to introduce himself to Elle and tease her for being caught saying things about him. Of course, Elle being the independent and blunt teenager she is, she tells Marco he’s too full of himself.

Noah tells Elle he would love for her to apply to Harvard and going to visit him, and she also wants to do so. When she sees that Noah has a very attractive female friend who seems to be touchy, she starts to worry about trusting him. Elle still decides to apply to Harvard, but her father says he probably won’t be able to pay for it. Taking matters into her own hands, she signs up with Lee to compete in a dance competition that could win her $50,000.

However, Lee’s foot gives out and he has to be on crutches, so Elle must find a new partner for the competition. After finding out that Marco’s a great dancer, Lee asks him to dance with Elle so she can hopefully win the money. Of course, Elle isn’t excited to be working with Marco, but the two end up having a lot of fun together. Ultimately, Elle has to decide between Noah and Marco.

THE KISSING BOOTH 2 is an entertaining movie overall, but it’s predictable and drags on a bit. The first KISSING BOOTH movie had underage drinking, implied sex between teenagers, and teenagers taking off their clothes and revealing their underwear. KISSING BOOTH 2 shows teenagers with fake IDs going into bars and drinking as well as implied sex between teenagers. In terms of entertainment, however, the second KISSING BOOTH 2 isn’t as predictable as the first one.

Sadly, KISSING BOOTH 2 has a strong Romantic worldview where people follow their heart and do what they want. One character, however, shows a moral conscience and is committed to loving one person. Trust is another positive theme, though multiple characters are shown lying. Despite its positive content, KISSING BOOTH 2 has more foul language than the first movie.

We can never satisfy the desires of our heart without God. Instead, we should follow Psalm 37:3,4, which tells us, “Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.”

MOVIEGUIDE® advises extreme caution for both KISSING BOOTH movies.

Quality: - Content: -2
Quality: - Content: -2