
Brandon Lake Explains How World Events Influence His Music

Brandon Lake Explains How World Events Influence His Music

By Movieguide® Contributor

Brandon Lake’s newest album – “Coat of Many Colors” – took inspiration from various places, from ongoing wars to his work at his local church.

As conflicts rage around the world, Lake has funneled his fears and emotions into his songwriting, turning to God in the midst of chaos.

“I found myself singing about Heaven,” Lake told PEOPLE. “These emotions were just building up and building up, and then we just wrote this song about our final destination, which is heaven.”

“I’m not someone to ever watch the news, but the past few days, I have probably had the TV on or my phone on nonstop,” he continued. “Writing a song about Heaven and how God is still holy and sovereign was just the medicine my heart needed.”

Songs like these, which come out of an overflow of emotion, are quite powerful as singers speak to universal truths that many can connect to. In an attempt to become popular, Lake feels that too many artists are trying to synthetically produce music like this, leading to songs without a heart.

“I feel like too many people are making records full of singles trying to make it on the radio,” he said. “When your goal is mass consumption, you lose sight of ‘The One.’”

Instead, Lake focuses on making music that is authentic to himself and allows God to work through him as His hand guides the project.

“I’ve written many of these songs with my friends and with my community and with people across the world,” Lake explained. “It doesn’t take me partnering with a main ministry to be successful. God want to do something unique through my life, and I’m trying to learn how to trust that.”

“I am stepping out in faith to believe that the music that Brandon Lake puts out can make as big of an impact as a ministry that has a church’s name behind it or a collective of 12, 15 or 20 artists,” he added.

To do this, Lake created an album that is true to its “Many Colors” name, including a wide variety of genres.

“You’re going to hear R&B on this record, you’re going to hear country on this record, you’re going to hear rock and roll on this record, you’re going to hear pop on this record,” he said. “You’re going to hear beautiful notes and then you are going to hear me screaming my head off. I think some people are called to one sound, and I haven’t found that that’s my story.”

The inspiration behind the album? The story of Joseph and his coat of many colors.

“In many ways, we are all wrapped in a coat of many colors – we are clothed in the Father’s love and in his pride for us, and every one of us are his favorite,” Lake explained. “We see in the story of Joseph’s life that he was misunderstood, he had dreams that got him in trouble, and he had to go through the process of trusting his dreams and being faithful to God. Joseph went from a pit to a palace, and this album explores that theme heavily.”

“This coat represents seasons of my life, reminding me of all the amazing things God’s done for me,” he told K-Love. “We are all made up of the ‘pits’ and ‘palaces’ we’ve walked through — a beautiful mosaic, a technicolored testimony.”

Lake’s “Coat of Many Colors” is available now.

Movieguide® previously reported:

Brandon Lake, Christian artist and five-time Grammy Award winner, has released his new 16-track album, “Coat of Many Colors.”  

“Penned by Lake with Jonathan Smith, Steven Furtick, Jacob Boyles, Andrew Cherry and Leeland Mooring, the new song teases the many ‘colors’ of worship and styles showcased on the full record,” CCM Magazine wrote

The album cover shows Lake wearing his own coat of colors, which was designed by Greg Lauren, the nephew of Ralph Lauren.

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