
Dancing with DUCK DYNASTY: Sadie Robertson’s Faith Takes Center Stage on “Dancing with the Stars”

Dancing with DUCK DYNASTY:

Sadie Robertson’s Faith Takes Center Stage on “Dancing with the Stars”

By Diana Tyler, Contributing Writer

Most of us would describe the runaway hit TV show “Duck Dynasty” with terms such as “redneck,” “duck hunting,” “bayou,” “backwoods,” and, of course, “beards.” However, I would argue that the word the Robertson family would most like their viewers to associate them with is the word faith.

Dynasty heiress 17-year-old Sadie Robertson has made it her mission to represent her family’s Christian values and let her faith shine during her stint on this season of “Dancing with the Stars.” The teenager follows in the footsteps of “Full House” star Candace Cameron-Bure who mentioned her own strong faith on the show stating, “I’m a Christian. My life revolves around my relationship with Jesus Christ. So with the overall tone of the dance and the costumes, I’m not going to take a backseat. My voice will definitely be heard.”

While talking about the values she and her family display on Duck Dynasty, Robertson told Fox411, “Faith is obviously my number one priority, and I think you need to put God at the top of everything you do.”

Robertson continued to explain that the moment the show ceases to be a platform for spreading “God’s message,” the family will stop doing it:

“We had a family dinner before the show started, and we talked about if at any time in this journey that God is not first, then we have to put the show away. If we start to think of ourselves too highly, we remember that we were happy before the show and we will be happy after the show.”

Willie Robertson granted his daughter permission to be a DWTS contestant, but established a clear role from the outset as not only her biggest fan, but also her go-to fashion advisor responsible for helping her continue to project godliness, and not worldliness.

“It is just basic modesty,” Miss Robertson told ABC News. ”It’s out of respect that I ask my dad if [my outfit] is OK. I’m a Christian. It comes with me everywhere I go.”

In addition to her two current television roles, Robertson has also teamed up with “Preachers’ Daughters” star Kolby Koloff to produce a YouTube series titled “The New Different,” with a Christ-centered motivation founded on Romans 12:2:

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will.” (NIV)

The series’ mission is to inspire young girls to stand out in the world rather than try to blend in with it. During her time in Hollywood, Sadie Robertson plans to do just that.

Before she arrived in Los Angeles to begin DWTS, Robertson tweeted: “God comes with me no matter where I go.” While she has received tweets from fans who are concerned that she could become “like Miley Cyrus” and countless other young stars whose faith has been derailed and moral compass corroded by fame, Robertson has not only a supportive, God-fearing family on her side, but wisdom such as this, which flows from her relationship with Christ:

“When you’re famous you do get so much attention that I can see how you could just think the world of yourself. I think if you go into it thinking that this is not for me, that this is for God, you’ll be okay.”

Miss Robertson serves as a mighty example for teenagers and young girls who are constantly bombarded by the media’s perverse depictions of what is “beautiful,” “desirable,” “inspiring,” and “cool.” With her Bible-based standards for modesty, humility, and obedience and respect toward both God and her parents, she’s challenging the “pattern of this world” by taking the opportunities the Lord has given her to magnify and honor Him alone.

– Sources:  ABC News, 09/25/14, Christian Post, 09/23/14, Us Magazine, 03/25/14, Fox News, 03/11/14.

Diana Anderson-Tyler is the author of Creation House’s Fit for Faith: A Christian Woman’s Guide to Total Fitness and her latest book, Perfect Fit: Weekly Wisdom and Workouts for Women of Faith and Fitness. Her website can be found at dianaandersontyler.com, and she is a co-owner and coach at CrossFit 925. Diana can be reached on Twitter at @Dianafit4faith.

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