
Danny Gokey Reminds Believers ‘Jesus is Taking Us On a Journey’

Danny Gokey Reminds Believers ‘Jesus is Taking Us On a Journey’

By Movieguide® Contributor

Danny Gokey shared a reminder that accepting Jesus into our lives is the start of a journey rather than a one-time action that requires afterthought.

“Did you know that when you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior that was a first step? But there are now continued instructions on what to do next,” Gokey told his followers. “Many people think, ‘I gave my life to Jesus, alright, now I’m just going to live. I got a free pass to heaven.’”

“That’s not it. Paul in Colossians 2:6 gives instructions on what to do next,” he continued. “‘So then, just as you receive Jesus Christ as Lord,’ it says ‘continue.’ Well, continue to do what? ‘Continue to life your lives in Him.’ Other translations say, ‘Continue to follow Him.’”

“[This] makes me think of the verses in the Gospels where Jesus said, ‘If anyone wants to follow me,’ doesn’t matter who it is. He said, you must first, ‘Deny himself, take up his cross, and then follow me.’ Jesus is taking us on a journey,” Gokey explained.

“This journey is growing us, it’s maturing us and it’s making us more like Him,” he added. “I want to challenge you today, like it says in Colossians 2:6, ‘As you receive Him, now continue to follow Him. Being rooted and built up in Him.’ Let your roots go deep into Him. So that when the wind blows, when the trials come, when life is shaky, you’re planted in Christ Jesus, and you bear fruit in any season.”

Gokey shares this wisdom with experience from his past. His foundation in Jesus enabled him to overcome hardship when his wife died at a young age due to a heart condition. While the tragedy sent him into a spiral that led to anxiety and depression, he found hope through Christ.

Had Gokey not been rooted in the Lord, he may have never come out of the dark place he entered. However, he auditioned for American Idol only a month after his wife’s passing, and that decision ended up launching his career and giving him a platform to spread the Gospel.

Because he knows the impact God has had on his life, Gokey wants others to understand that if they are rooted in Christ, nothing can overcome the hope they will find in Him.

Movieguide® previously reported:

Danny Gokey recently sat down with Kirk Cameron to talk about hope and how he was able to continue on after the tragic death of his wife. 

“When you walk through difficult times and hope is like a lifesaver to you, it tends to naturally bubble up out of you,” Gokey said. “What’s in us comes out of us.” 

“I’ve seen God move in my life, I’ve seen God help me pull through significant losses and through different seasons of anxiety and depression and everything that brought me out was always hope. When people lose hope, they lose their reason to live,” he continued. 

Gokey’s hope comes from his strong background in faith. He was drawn to the father at a young age and grew up in the church. Staying in the word and understanding the word has allowed him to stay strong in his faith through the ups and downs in his life.

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