Why We Need to Keep Following Jesus
By Movieguide® Contributor
Christian artist Danny Gokey encourages his fans to continue to pursue Jesus even after they’ve given their lives to Him.
“Did you know that when you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, that was a first step?” Gokey said in a video on Instagram. “But there are now continued instructions on what to do next. Many people think, ‘I gave my life to Jesus. Alright, now I’m just going to live. I got a free pass to heaven.’ That’s not it. Paul in Colossians 2:6 gives instructions on what to do next.”
The verse reads, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him/”
He continued, “Other translations say, ‘Continue to follow Him,’ which makes me think of the verses in the gospels where Jesus said, ‘If anyone wants to follow me.’ Doesn’t matter who it is. He said you must first ‘Deny himself, take up his cross, and then follow me.’ Jesus is taking us on a journey. And this journey is growing us, it’s maturing us and it’s making us more like him.”
He explained that the journey won’t be easy, but it will be an exciting journey “of becoming more like Him!”
“Let your roots go deep into Him,” Gokey concluded, “so that when the wind blows, when the trials come, when life is shaky, you’re planted in Christ Jesus and you bear fruit in any season.”
The singer is wrapping up his Celebrate Christmas Tour with Natalie Grant. The duo has a few more stops in Illinois, Missouri and Indiana. He’s been sharing glimpses of the concert on Instagram.
Along with a clip of him singing “Mary, Did You Know?” he wrote, “Can you even fathom what this must have been like for Mary??? 🤯 I love getting to do this song every year because it is such a powerful reminder of just how incredible it was that God – the GREAT I AM – chose to come to us as a tiny baby … What a gift, indeed!”