
DISCIPLES IN THE MOONLIGHT’s Brett Varvel Knows God’s Word is Still Relevant

DISCIPLES IN THE MOONLIGHT’s Brett Varvel Knows God’s Word Is Still Relevant

By Movieguide® Contributor

Actor and filmmaker Brett Varvel knows that the Word of God is our only hope.

The director of the faith-based thriller DISCIPLES OF THE MOONLIGHT shared exclusively with Movieguide® how the Bible has changed him personally.

“It’s easy for me to say that the Bible has changed my life,” he said. “Jesus has transformed me, and one of the things that has so captivated my heart is that the God of the Old Testament is the God of today. He has never changed, and these words that were penned thousands of years ago under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, they’re just as relevant today as they were when they were originally penned.”

In a selfish world that is trying to change and alter the truth, Varvel knows that God’s word never changes.

“It’s incumbent upon us to discover who that God is and not make a version of him that we want him to be,” the Movieguide® Teddy Award® winner said.

Varvel continued, explaining how God’s word is the only hope that society has.

“These are the words of life. This is the only source of hope that we have in this in this society. I mean, when you have a verse like John 14:6 that Jesus says, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me,’ well, there is no other, that’s exclusive,” the actor added. “And it’s not meant to condemn, to bring judgment only, but it is meant to bring hope and grace and life and if people would simply see that they’re in desperate need of saving.”

DISCIPLES IN THE MOONLIGHT comes to U.S. theaters July 17–24.

“In the not-too-distant future, the United States has banned the Bible for its ‘offensiveness’ and replaced it with a government-approved version,” a synopsis reads. “A small group of Christians are recruited to smuggle God’s Word to underground churches throughout the Midwest. With a ruthless federal agent in hot pursuit, the believers must choose between following the law or honoring and trusting God.”

Movieguide® previously reported:

Director and actor Brett Varvel hopes that viewers turn to Jesus after watching faith-based thriller DISCIPLES IN THE MOONLIGHT.

“So the movie DISCIPLES IN THE MOONLIGHT is a what-if scenario — what would it be like if the Bible was illegal? And it focuses on these seven characters who are tasked with this dangerous mission to smuggle Bibles to underground churches in the Midwest, and…it’s got a lot of thrills,” Varvel told Movieguide® last week. “It’s got a lot of action, suspense, and a lot of entertaining values…but at the core of the story, this is a movie that seeks to lift high the word of God…”

Varvel, who won a Movieguide® Teddy Bear Award® for his faith-based movie RUNNING THE BASES, believes DISCIPLES will “lift high” Jesus’ name. It will challenge those who watch it, but it will also bring them hope.

“We can’t wait for people to experience it,” Varvel said. “I’ve kind of called this movie my love letter to the church. I’ve been a follower of Jesus for most of my life, and I’ve been blessed to be able to go across the country and speak at different venues and churches and interact with a whole bunch of different people, and I have a great concern for the Church of Jesus Christ in America.”

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