
DUCK DYNASTY’s Korie Robertson: Should Parents Allow Their Children to Play Video Games?

DUCK DYNASTY’s Korie Robertson: Should Parents Allow Their Children to Play Video Games?

By Cooper Dowd, Senior Staff Writer

Korie and Willie Robertson of DUCK DYNASTY fame use their new show, AT HOME WITH THE ROBERTSONS, to engage in conversations about relevant issues unique to today.

In one episode, the couple and their son John Luke sat down with professional wrestler and professional gamer Thea Trinidad to discuss video games, parenting and media wisdom.

“Today on #athomewiththerobertsons we talk to Thea Trinidad who’s a professional wrestler and professional gamer about video games and their effect on children, teens, even adults,” Robertson wrote on her Instagram. “We discuss some of the boundaries @realwilliebosshog and I had in place in our home surrounding video games and whether or not @johnluke_robertson is going to let his kids play. I think the younger generation of parents will be better at guiding their kids in this than we were because they know what’s out there, what’s good and what’s not!”

Throughout the episode, the Robertsons note the responsibility of adults to protect children. However, the couple concedes that it is hard to keep up with the latest in gaming and media.

“Like everything right now, it feels like the world of gaming is changing so fast that it’s hard for parents to keep up!” Robertson wrote.

She then asked parents: “Do you have guidelines in place in your home surrounding gaming? Any thoughts, helpful ideas for other parents trying to figure this thing out in our ever-changing world?”

Robertson concluded by stressing the significance of parents’ involvement in their children’s lives.

“I think it really matters what we put into our hearts and minds on a daily basis, and this matters so much for our kids! We aren’t going to do it all perfectly, but having these discussions, asking the questions, being involved in this aspect of your kids and teens life is a really good start!” Robertson wrote.

Violent video games have been linked to violence in the real world.

As Movieguide® previously reported:

New studies of children age 9 to 12 and 12 to 18 in the United States and Japan proves that violent video games make children more likely to be hostile, aggressive and get into fights.

“One can no longer claim this is somehow a uniquely American phenomenon,” said Craig A. Anderson, a psychology professor at Iowa State University and director of its Center for the Study of Violence. “This is a general phenomenon that occurs across cultures.

“We now have conclusive evidence that playing violent video games has harmful effects on children and adolescents,” he concluded.

The studies accounted for gender and previous aggression in their research.

Furthermore, as Movieguide® reported:

In the 2019 study on video games, 220 children aged 8-12 were also tested in pairs. In this study, however, the children played one of three versions of the same video game, one version where the player could kill monsters with guns, one where they could kill monsters with swords, and one with no weapons or monsters. Also, two handguns were hidden in the toy cabinet.

“Children who played the video game with guns handled the gun longer (91.5 seconds versus 71.7 seconds in the sword condition and 36.1 seconds in the nonviolent condition), pulled the trigger more times (10.1 times versus 3.6 times in the sword condition and 3.09 times in the nonviolent condition), including at themselves or their partner (3.4 times versus 1.5 times in the sword condition and 0.2 times in the nonviolent condition).”

Bushman concludes, “Taken together, these studies suggest that exposure to violence in the media can increase children’s dangerous behavior around real firearms.”

Movieguide® founder and publisher Dr. Ted Baehr says, “It’s now clear, if it wasn’t before, that violent video games are a definite menace to society.”

He continued:

We must wean our young people away from these violent video games, and into more profitable pursuits. We must stop blaming guns for our problems, and start dealing with the troubled and evil people using the guns and the politically correct authorities who fail to enforce the laws already on the books. Also, we must end the arbitrary judicial bans on religious and moral teaching in our schools that deprive America’s children of the Ten Commandments that God gave Moses and the Hebrew people on Mount Sinai and the teachings that Jesus Christ gave his disciples in the Sermon on the Mount in Chapters Five through Seven of the Gospel of Matthew and in Chapters 13 through 17 of the Gospel of John.

While violent video games are a no go for families, there are some child-friendly options, such as THE LEGO MOVIE Video Game and Minecraft.

Watch the complete interview with Trinidad and the Robertsons on Korie Robertson’s Facebook below!

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