Erin Napier Boasts About Husband Ben: ‘Most Thoughtful Person on Earth’
By Movieguide® Contributor
In a recent interview with US Weekly, HGTV star Erin Napier opened up about how her husband, Ben, spoils her.
“He surprises me [all the time]. This is what [our] greatest date nights are like: We’re at home and we put the kids to bed, and then he says, ‘OK, now go to the room, close the door, and when you come back out, it’ll be something special,” Erin said.
“I don’t know how he’s the most thoughtful person on Earth. Who couldn’t be happy with someone like [that]? He goes way out of his way to make our marriage intentional,” she gushed.
Movieguide® previously reported on the couple’s marriage:
On Instagram, Erin shared how Ben supported the family throughout her pregnancy and time with the newborn.
‘If he’s not scooping me up off the sofa as I’m still recovering from surgery, he’s mixing a bottle or taking Helen swimming’ Erin wrote. ‘And I have kissed him every time he’s in arm’s reach because I know exactly how lucky we all are. ?.’
Erin continued: ‘A reminder for those with spouses: tell them often – ‘thank you for everything you do for us.’ and MEAN IT.
On Erin’s birthday, Ben went all out. He bought three dresses, laid them out in their room, and asked her to pick one or wear something else if she didn’t like any of them. Then he asked her to go to their barn, where she found a candlelight dinner with her favorite food and music. He had secretly turned the barn into an art studio for her.
“Because we met when we were young, our adult identities are really formed around each other,” Erin said. “We weren’t like two separate trees growing in the woods [but] you ever see two trees that got stuck together and then they just grew? That’s kind of how we are when I think of us in my mind’s eye. We grew up together and that makes me think meeting and marrying young, I think can be a very good thing.”
Erin and Ben elaborated on this on the Today show. They shared that they are completely in sync and don’t know how to be apart from one another.
On their eighth anniversary, Napier told Ben, “In this weird and busy season of our life, I’m endlessly grateful for a marriage that has come easily for us. I feel like we’ve always understood each other in the most fundamental ways, which made disagreements rare and partnership in every decision easier. Being married to you feels as natural as breathing in and out, and to be loved and protected by you is the joy of my life.”
Movieguide® previously reported on the Napiers’ relationship:
HOME TOWN star Erin Napier got the chance to meet her childhood hero when she appeared on an episode of THE DREW BARRYMORE SHOW.
The HGTV star and her husband were named one of 2021’s Greatest World Leaders by Fortune, and Napier gives Barrymore a lot of the credit for some major life events. In addition to haircut inspiration, Napier also has Barrymore to thank for her marriage!
In an Instagram post showing Napier and her husband Ben talking with Barrymore, Napier wrote, “Today I met my childhood hero in person and hugged her neck and thanked her for the inspiration for this short haircut of mine that made notice me on our college campus and ask me out on this day, 17 years ago. So, thanks @drewbarrymore for our love story. WHAT A DAY. Watch @thedrewbarrymoreshow tomorrow!”