
First Look: Kendrick Brother Debut Trailer for SHOW ME THE FATHER

Screenshot from Official Trailer for SHOW ME THE FATHER

First Look: Kendrick Brother Debut Trailer for SHOW ME THE FATHER

By Movieguide® Staff

The Kendrick Brothers, through Sony Pictures’ AFFIRM Films, released the first trailer for their upcoming documentary movie, SHOW ME THE FATHER.  

The movie is the first documentary produced by the Kendrick Brothers and is set for a theatrical release on Sept. 10, 2021.

The documentary features real-life stories and interviews from fathers and former NFL players Sherman Smith, Deland McCullough and Eddie George. SHOW ME THE FATHER also includes interviews with pastor and author Dr. Tony Evans and Focus on the Family President Jim Daly.

“This documentary illustrates the Biblical principle of a father’s role to transfer the character, person and purposes of God through him, to his offspring,” Dr. Evans, Senior Pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, said. “As men, we need to be modeling what our Heavenly Father is like. I look forward to this documentary changing society’s perspective of what fatherhood should be.”

The synopsis of the movie reads

Everyone has a unique father story. Whether positive or painful, it’s always personal and can deeply affect the core of our identity and direction of our lives. The Kendrick Brothers’ SHOW ME THE FATHER is the first documentary film from the creators of WAR ROOM, OVERCOMER, FIREPROOF, and COURAGEOUS. Featuring a variety of amazing, true stories, this captivating movie takes audiences of all ages on an inspiring and emotional cinematic journey. Providing a fresh perspective on the roles of fathers in today’s society, SHOW ME THE FATHER invites you to think differently about how you view your earthly father and also how you personally relate to God. Opening in theaters Sept. 10, 2021.


Alex Kendrick recently talked with Movieguide® about how God helped him and his brother, Stephen, decide to create SHOW ME THE FATHER:

Producer Alex confessed that, initially, he was skeptical of his brother’s idea to make a documentary.

“Steven came to me, my brother, and he said, ‘Alex, I’ve got this concept that I think the Lord keeps stirring my heart with, to do a documentary on fatherhood.’ And as you probably could guess, documentaries are important, and there are some really good ones out there, but documentaries do not tend to draw the same type of focus as a feature film,” Alex told Movieguide®. “So when he said, I want to do a documentary, I was like, ‘Are you sure?'”

“Steven had this specific desire to tie in the biblical characteristics that we want to see in our fathers on earth with the fatherhood of God,” he continued. “He’s the perfect Father, and He uses these roles, these positions, for men to reflect who He is, at least that’s what it’s intended to do.”

After deliberation and prayer, the Kendrick brothers said they were amazed by the ways God answered their prayers.

“We prayed, ‘God, if this is Your will, would You give us the right stories to tell?’ And wow, did He answered that prayer. We have five stories in SHOW ME THE FATHER, and they are some of the most powerful stories I’ve ever heard of fatherhood,” Alex said. “They come from every perspective, a good father, a bad father, a father who’s never there, one that you know, broke his child’s heart, and how did they recover from all of this and reconnect to God the Father?

“It was just amazing, all of the emotion, all of the twists, all of the the tension and the drama that you would want in a narrative feature film, we found in these stories,” he added.

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