


By  Judith Reisman, Ph.D., ties ‘Kinsey-Hefner revolution’ to #MeToo reality

Note: Mary McAlister, Esq., contributed to this column.

The flood of essays on Hugh Hefner’s “wonderful legacy” of broken humanity (called “sexual freedom”) led to a trail of tears lately anointed #MeToo – and finally to President Trump’s focus on modern slavery and the child sex abuse, as he declared January National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month.

The Sexual Revolution spawns #MeToo

This month the president announced, “Human trafficking is a modern form of the oldest and most barbaric type of exploitation. It has no place in our world.”

As recently as the ’50s, women got child custody, alimony and marital property when hubby committed adultery. Rapists could get death in roughly half the states and life in prison in the rest. Seduction was a felony even in California.

Importantly, the patriarchal judicial era would end. Younger, smarter, freer liberal men eventually would wear judicial robes.

Even pornography distribution was now lawful. Playboy sued and won “second-class mailing privileges” in 1955! Legitimacy. The times they were a’ changin’.

That revolution began with Hefner himself. Like most college men in the late 1940s, he was a 22-year-old virgin when he read the Kinsey report, declaring himself “Kinsey’s pamphleteer.”

Playboy caused “a sensation in deeply conservative America. … His critics accused him of degrading women.”

#MeToo is long delayed aftershock

An example of the Hefner/Kinsey view of children as sexual from birth is child star Jodie Foster. In 1977, Hefner published photographs of 14-year-old Jodie Foster nude, projecting to her: “sly … sexy teeny-bopper … femme fatale … scarcely ready for a training bra,” and “14-year-old, Jodie Foster … sophisticated beyond her years.”

Also the 1977, the UCLA Bruin reported a “new phenomenon of oral venereal disease in children under 5 years” old – suggesting relatives or mother’s boyfriends committed these sex crimes against “teeny-boppers.”

#MeToo tweeters would not know that Playboy regularly featured cartoons of convivial incest and child as prostitute “jokes” and cartoons.

Children as sexual targets were documented in my report as principal investigator of U.S. Department of Juvenile Justice (1986), “Children, Crime and Violence in Playboy Penthouse and Hustler.”

My research team documented Judeo-Christian laws under deliberate legal and media attack by Playboy. In the 1970s, Playboy had just under 16 million, pre-internet consumers with millions of impressionable children in the home.

Dr. Falwell to the rescue

Since 1985, when our research was shut down, incest and child abuse has continued its upward spiral.

In 1988, Dr. Jerry Falwell discussed the suppression of that evidence in the attached video.

Dr. Lori Handrahan’s new book, “Epidemic: America’s Trade in Child Rape,” picks up where our Justice Department research was forced to end. She is documenting our current epidemic of child pornography with concomitant child rape and torture.

Since William Wilberforce, there’s never been anything like this traffic of children in history.

Former Chief Judge of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Alex Kozinski resigned in late 2017 in the wake of sexual harassment allegations. The judge was a Playboy habitué who enjoyed “the pictures and the jokes.”

In 2001, Kozinski defended Emanuel Sistrunk, convicted rapist of an 11-year-old child, claiming he received “a gross miscarriage of justice.” Yet, Sistruck had been convicted of “sex with a 16-year-old homeless girl” in 1977 and “sex with two mentally retarded patients” in 1982.

Kozinski’s rapist defenses are of a fit with the dark depths of misogynistic imprinting.

Chief Justice Rehnquist ‘enraged’

In 2001, pornography was found on Kozinski’s work computer. Then Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist was “enraged,” tasking a “committee of federal judges” with penalizing Kozinski for disabling computer filters that blocked his courtroom access to pornography.

The public certainly deserves complete data on which judges use this misogyny.

A few other judicial and political leaders lent credibility to Playboy by being interviewed (some retired or deceased): U.S. Supreme Court Justices William Douglas and Arthur Goldberg, Appeals Court Judge Charles J. Fleck Jr., Judge, and later Assistant Attorney General Thurmand Arnold, etc.

Notably, many interviewees are proven sexual offenders – discussed at another time – the type that brought on the #MeToo movement, largely, of women victims.

Responding to that movement, Ms. Foster opined that all men “over 30” bear some responsibility for sexual misconduct. Except her sons go to “a great school that has put them through the wringer about what consent is, what is humanism, what’s integrity.”

“I just wish my generation had that benefit,” said Foster. Sadly, Kinsey/Hefner and their associates removed that benefit from Ms. Foster’s generation, a benefit that was truly the norm prior to the 1950s.

The allegations of harassment and abuse reported as part of the #MeToo movement is not “natural” male (or female) conduct.

Solid evidence documents such unnatural rates of sex abuse did not exist before the Kinsey-Hefner revolution. Women alleging such misconduct should consider civil rights violations and other injuries.

Statutes of limitation should be re-examined for those intimidated or harassed into not filing charges until a statute expires. Some states already extend temporary suspensions for child sexual abuse victims.

In recognition of this unanticipated fallout from the post-1950s sexual revolution, something similar should be considered for women victims.

Isn’t it time to re-evaluate the early 1950s and the fraudulent sex science that changed it all?

Until #MeToo women and men purge adult and child pornography, trafficking as foundational to the #MeToo movement, these recent revelations will do little to bring back our humanity.

Did our generation of the ’50s, after all, get it more right than wrong?