
Kathie Lee Gifford Prays to Grow ‘Deep’ in God’s ‘Love and Purpose’

Kathie Lee Gifford Prays to Grow ‘Deep’ in God’s ‘Love and Purpose’

By Movieguide® Contributor

Kathie Lee Gifford shared a Bible verse and prayer on Instagram, reminding her followers to trust that God will take care of them.

She posted Psalm 1:1-3, which reads:

Blessed is the one
who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers,
but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
and who meditates on his law day and night.
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
whatever they do prospers.

“Heavenly Father, You have planted us in Your garden of life. It is Your joy and delight to take care of us, to prosper us…for our roots to go deep into Your love and purpose for us. Help us to yield to this process, LORD, we pray,” the actress wrote.

Many of her followers commented how much they appreciated Gifford sharing the verse.

“I don’t hear quotes from the Bible much. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight. Thank you for always renewing a right spirit within,” one person commented.

“AMEN…ps I especially relate to DELIGHTS IN THE LAW… (the word )… IT’S LIKE SITTING DOWN WITH MY BEST FRIEND … ENJOYING HIS PRESENCE AND HANGING AND HOLDING ON TO HIS EVERY WHISPER,” one follower wrote before adding how much they THE BAXTERS. “So refreshing to watch a Christian produced series that speaks of the realities of life… recommending it to our ‘church’ family…so many are caught in these subtle places of betrayal and the enemies tactics of temptation.”

Gifford plays Lilian Ashford on the Roma Downey-led show. Her daughter, Cassidy Gifford, also stars in the series.

THE BAXTERS is “An ensemble family drama based on the bestselling novels from Karen Kingsbury, that follows Elizabeth and John Baxter, and their adult children, as they navigate life’s highs and lows, both with and without God.”

Part of Movieguide®’s review reads:

THE BAXTERS is an entertaining series about a loving family going through multiple issues. The program is very well produced. Each episode presents a new issue and a way to biblically work through it. Viewers will be interested and entertained by each storyline and how they develops. The first eight episodes of THE BAXTERS have a strong Christian, moral worldview with prayer, Scripture and examples of faith. However, the episodes deal with serious issues, so it’s designed for mature viewers. For example, THE BAXTERS talks about an illicit affair but shows a positive example of a Christian fighting for her marriage.

“I did the show not only because Cass was out in as a member of the permanent cast,” Gifford said. “But, Roma is an old friend of mine. And I don’t mean old in that sense, I mean just when she first started on TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL. I did several of the early episodes of it and we became fast friends.”

Movieguide® recently reported THE BAXTERS:

The mother-daughter duo are currently working together on THE BAXTERS, a new Amazon Prime series based on Karen Kingsbury’s popular novels. Both appear in the series, Gifford as a guest star and Cassidy in a recurring role.

“[I wanted] to be a part of something that would give people hope and that would show the real side of a Christian family and what they go through,” Cassidy told Us Weekly. “I think so often it’s so cookie-cutter and so clichéd when it’s depicted in the media, and you understand why some people don’t even want to go near it. They think it’s just so saccharine and they’re going to feel like they’re judged.”

She called THE BAXTERS a “faith-forward” series but said it is “still raw [and] gritty.”

Quality: - Content: +2
Quality: - Content: +3