Based on a Japanese novel, SILENCE is an historical drama from Martin Scorsese about two Roman Catholic priests in the 17th Century who travel to Feudal Japan to find out if it’s true that a famous missionary priest has renounced his faith during a brutal campaign of persecution against Christianity. Though a little slow and overlong, SILENCE is still a superbly made, often heartbreaking movie that ultimately paints a strong positive picture of Japan’s earliest Christian missionaries…
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Each Sunday, Pure Flix Streaming is offering the following movies available for free!
When a high school senior learns from her parents that she will have to miss the town’s winter dance to attend a Christmas Eve service at church, she successfully wishes their faith away…
Kassandra, wants a puppy for Christmas and is hoping Santa will make her wish come true, even if her parents have reservations about getting a dog…
Follow the mishaps of the “perfect” couple who find themselves in financial straits thanks to a series of bad decisions. As they attempt to rob a wealthy Christian man, he turns the tables and provides them with a choice: Follow Jesus or face the consequences…
An arrogant sportscaster performs community service during Christmas and learns the power of giving…