
Nickelodeon Ratings Continue to Fall As Network Showcases LGBTQ Education

Screenshot from Nickelodeon’s YouTube

Nickelodeon Ratings Continue to Fall As Network Showcases LGBTQ Education

By Movieguide® Staff

Over the course of June, Nickelodeon and its preschool-targeted network, Nick Jr., increased their promotion of LGBTQ-related content. 

However, according to The Daily Wire, the shift from children’s entertainment to agenda-motivated education has negatively affected network ratings. 

Movieguide® previously reported

Child advocates recently took a stand to oppose Nickelodeon’s newest BLUE’S CLUES children’s program called BLUE’S CLUES & YOU! for its “predatory” content.

The video takes place at a Pride parade and is emceed by an animated version of drag performer Nina West.

The animated West sings an adapted version of “The Ants Go Marching,” which highlights many LGBT themes in the video like families with two moms, two dads, and trans-identified members parents.

“Love is love is love you see, and everyone should love proudly,” West encourages during the sing-a-long. “Allies to the queer community can love their friends so proudly.”

Also featured in the video is a group of beavers wearing armbands with the transgender flag colors. One of the beavers is depicted as having scars on his chest to show the character had had a cosmetic double mastectomy.

Nickelodeon followed up the animated depiction of West with a live-action video posted to their YouTube. The video features West describing the meanings of LGBTQ Pride flags through song. 

Moreover, the children’s station announced that its reboot of RUGRATS will now feature a single lesbian mother. 

The character is played by Natalie Morales, who said it was an honor to depict the mother who identified as lesbian.  

“It’s just so great because examples of living your life happily and healthily as an out queer person is just such a beacon for young queer people who may not have examples of that,” Morales said. 

However, Nickelodeon’s ratings show that parents are not happy with the network’s changes. 

Pirates and Princesses, an entertainment news site is known for their coverage of all things Disney, reported

Nickelodeon’s latest fiasco was a Pride Month video that you can see above. Featuring a drag queen singing to prepubescents, the YouTube version was downvoted to such a degree that they’ve now hidden the ratio. It’s one thing to take a position on issues of sexuality, it’s another entirely to propagandize those issues for young children. Switch that song to any topic for which you disagree and see if would approve your children watching it.

According to the outlet, Nickelodeon’s viewership has steadily decreased as of July 2017. 

The blatant push from significant children’s networks to indoctrinate younger generations is a testament to the power of media discernment and teaching your child the truths of the Bible. 

“Our families, and especially our youth, are being corrupted and destroyed by the messages being sold in the mass media of entertainment. Even our churches have been unable to give their members, especially their youths, sufficient help in avoiding the negative impact of our entertainment culture. In fact, many churches are clueless about the extent of the problem in their congregations. Other churches have opted for an anything goes attitude. As a result, the children have suffered, and the parents agonize over to how to deal with the problem. They don’t want their children to abandon biblical morality and go off as teenagers or college students into the toxic lifestyles promoted in the media,” Movieguide® Founder and Publisher Dr. Ted Baehr writes in The Screen-Wise Family.

For more resources on how to protect your children from unbiblical content as promoted by Nickelodeon, visit Movieguide®’s “Parenting” section at Movieguide.org

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