Parents Demand Netflix Remove Content That Sexualizes Children
By Jessilyn Lancaster, Managing Editor
Parents from Enough Is Enough and Parents Television Council recently sent a letter demanding streaming giant Netflix remove any and all content that sexualizes children.
“As a member of Netflix’s Board of Directors, in addition to setting policy for corporate management and oversight, you have a fiduciary responsibility to the shareholders,” the letter, signed by Enough Is Enough’s Donna Rice Hughes and PTC’s Tim Winter, reads.
“Inasmuch as Netflix has made a practice of sexualizing children for purposes of profit and entertainment (a practice this board has made no effort to constrain or discontinue); and inasmuch as that practice has led to an untold number of subscribers dropping their Netflix accounts in recent weeks and stock analysts projecting a loss of value to shareholders, you have failed in both obligations. Worse, you are complicit in the sexual exploitation of children, the degree of which raises serious legal questions. Therefore, in response to the tens of thousands of concerned parents, grandparents and citizens who have signed petitions, we now call on you to act immediately and instruct Netflix management to end this grotesque corporate practice, now and forever,” the letter continues.
The demand comes after Netflix was indicted for distributing child pornography with CUTIES. Unfortunately, however, CUTIES was just the most recent example of the viral atrocity.
The letter notes other abhorrent content that’s aimed at children and teens, including series like DESIRE, SEX EDUCATION and the animated BIG MOUTH.
Despite the pleas to remove such disgusting content, Netflix refuses.
The move presents a conundrum, as the platform eagerly concedes to international demands to remove content.
As the letter states: “We are blessed as Americans to have a protected right to free speech; but just because we have a right to do something does not necessarily mean it is the right thing to do. And there is a legal boundary upon which your company is clearly encroaching. The Netflix corporate narrative of unfettered artistic creativity has been exposed as vacuous, given the company’s practice of swift self-censorship whenever a foreign government demands it.
“On behalf of countless millions of Americans – and citizens around the world – who are concerned about the sexualization and sexual exploitation of children in entertainment, we call on you to act immediately to remove any programming that sexualizes children, and institute a policy that Netflix will never produce or distribute any such content going forward,” the letter concludes.
In the mean time, Netflix’s stock continues to plummet, and the company recognizes the need to create “clean teen” content.
Click here to stop Netflix from distributing child pornogrpahy.