Rush Limbaugh Thanks God Every Morning for the Gift of Another Day
By Movieguide® Staff
Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh updated his listeners on his battle with lung cancer, telling them that he is taking it one step at a time but is thankful for the blessing of life.
“Every day remains a gift,” Limbaugh told his audience. “You know, I wake up every morning, and I thank God that I did.”
The conservative radio pundit continued: “There will probably be, down the road, similar-type days where I will need take a day for rest or for whatever medical challenges present themselves. But the fact that I’m able to get back here and be with you is a genuine blessing, and I appreciate it and I appreciate your understanding throughout all of this.”
In February, Limbaugh announced his diagnosis of advanced lung cancer.
At the time, Limbaugh said: “It’s tough to realize that the days where I do not think I’m under a death sentence are over,” Limbaugh said. “We all know we’re going to die at some point. When you have a terminal disease diagnosis that has a time frame to it, then that puts a different psychological and even physical awareness to it.”
During his most recent update, Limbaugh maintained that “there are gonna be days where I’m not gonna be able to get in … there are medical challenges that present themselves and that have to be dealt with and some of them, you know, pop up as a surprise. Some of them are predictable.
“But I continue to look at this and live this as a day-to-day proposition,” Limbaugh continued.
“And so the bottom line is that every day is a gift. And even on those days where I’m not able to get here, realize that I wish I could be. And that when those days occur, that I will do what I can to get back as quickly as is possible,” Limbaugh said.
Movieguide® previously reported:
Despite his diagnosis, Limbaugh offered his listeners encouragement in how he approaches each day.
“I know a lot of you out there are going through your own challenges whether it’s cancer or another medical illness, or some other life challenge, maybe you are even in the hospital right now,” Limbaugh said. “Someone told me ‘the only thing anyone is certain of is right now, today.’ That’s why I thank God every morning when I wake up, I thank God that I did.”
Limbaugh continued: “There’s some comfort in knowing that some things are not in our hands. There’s a lot of fear associated with that too, but there is some comfort. It’s helpful to be able to trust and to believe in a higher plan.”
Please continue to keep Limbaugh and his family in your prayers.