
Why THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER is ‘A Movie for Everybody!’

Why THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER is ‘A Movie for Everybody!’

 Movieguide® Contributor

Director/writer Dallas Jenkins and his cast and crew are telling Movieguide® all about what makes THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER one of the best movies ever.

“What I’m most proud of is…Ted — I can’t wait for him to tell me, ‘You did it! You made a movie for everybody!’” Producer Kevin Downes said of Ted Baehr, Movieguide®’s founder, “Because that is what THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT is. Whether you’re 4, 5, 6 or 40, 50, 60, 70, whatever, this movie is absolutely for everybody.”

Movieguide® has recognized Downes and Jenkins’ productions, such as MERCY STREETS and THE CHOSEN, at the annual Faith and Values Award Gala.

“It’s for families and it’s to celebrate the Christmas experience,” Downes told Movieguide®, “see the nativity story in a way we’ve never witnessed it before, with all the laughs and the feel-good vibes but also the emotional moments, which I think are probably going to surprise people because, as you know, it’s hard to have laughter and tears and emotion all crammed together in one movie, but Dallas did a great job and kind of bringing those story elements in a way there. It is very good.”

Jenkins first read the book that the movie is based on around 20 years ago. He read it to his family, and everyone loved it.

“We were laughing but then also crying,” Jenkins said. “The thing that was so unique about the story and that I knew I had to bring to the screen was that.”

“On the surface, it’s a comedy. It’s a Christmas classic. These kids from the wrong side of town who’ve never even heard the Christmas story before hijack the Christmas pageant, and everyone’s horrified, and you assume that it’s going to be the worst Christmas pageant ever because these kids who don’t know the story are taking over, and yet you realize, yes, the kids need the Jesus story. They hadn’t heard it before, and now they have, and it’s going to impact them. But the town and the church needed something too, and sometimes we, in our American evangelical world…can sometimes take the story for granted.”

When people look down on others, it’s important to realize the people they’re judging may have even a deeper connection to scripture because of their life experiences.

“Outsiders might actually be closer to the heart of the true story of the birth of Christ than we are because who can identify more with poverty and with being an outsider than Jesus and with Mary and Joseph, and so that message and the way that that story is told in the book, and I hope I translated it in the movie, is, I think, such a great message, and it also shows you that anyone who goes to see this movie, whether you’re a traditional Church goer or not, can appreciate that and hopefully come away with maybe a deeper understanding of the birth of Christ.”

THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER’s cast and crew are here to tell you why this is a movie families won’t want to miss…


The moviemakers’ goal is to make family-friendly movies that everyone can easily access.

“I think we’ve done that with THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER, with a book that’s been around since 1972, or at least the story since 1972, and one that studios have tried to adapt but it took this guy to be able to pull it off,” Downes said, gesturing to Jenkins, “and obviously our partnership with Lionsgate, they were very enthusiastic about what this story could do. It’s been a while since we’ve had a theatrical, evergreen, Christmas classic, you know?”

“I’m biased, but in my opinion, I think this is going to be one of those well specifically to Movieguide®, one of the things that [Ted Baehr has] been talking about for decades is it’s not about separating church from Hollywood. He’s never been about all right Hollywood bad. Church good and so let’s create our own new mini Hollywood, he’s always been trying to point people toward any movie that’s going to uplift or to honor or to point people toward God even if it’s not a typical faith-based film.”

Jenkins believes that THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER is a rare movie that “bridges the gap” between Hollywood and faith.

“It really does feel like a traditional Hollywood film that you can see in theaters and yet in it, and strongly in it, is this very explicit a message about the birth of Christ and so I think it’s unique in that way and I think that Movieguide® viewers are especially going to appreciate it,” Jenkins said.

Actor Pete Holmes said, “Something that I never tire of seeing in movies is understanding parents, you know, that like each other. Like, that’s my kind of Hollywood, and that’s not to say that my parents didn’t have wonderful moments; of course, they did, but when I can see a movie where the family is like, vibing and grooving, that’s almost worth the price of admission right there. I’m like, ‘Oh look, this guy is sort of teasing his wife but also supporting her and you can see that they like each other.’ That’s pretty essential for a good Christmas movie for me.”

Holmes admits he was drawn to the script, but another thing that motivated him to work on the movie was his co-actress, Judy Greer.

“I didn’t grow up with this book,” he admits.  “I read the script first and it did make me cry…I was very touched by it and then it…had a lot to do with Judy Greer, to be honest.”

“The true draw to it was, who’s funnier than Judy Greer? Who’s more likable? She’s like a national treasure,” he said.

Holmes calls it “a privilege” to watch her act and perform beside her.

“I’m a comedian who acts. She’s an actor. Like she does it and I was like, ‘This is like a master class.’ I get to learn and laugh and watch someone I really admire.”

Holmes notes that movies that stick with audiences are usually similar, with themes of identity and emotion.

“All stories that resonate seem to be telling a similar story like I’m not who I think I am. I’m actually very valuable. I’m actually very special. I’m actually you know, chosen and loved and that’s what’s going on in this movie as well.”

“The Herdmans seem like outliers,” he continued. “They don’t have social graces. They’re not accepted. They’re not in the fold and it’s very tempting in life to confuse love with being clean or having money or having a car or nice white teeth and that has nothing to do with any of it. The message is always the same given a chance and given a closer look: you are the star of a pageant.”

THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER will be available to watch in theaters Nov. 8.

Anyone who buys an adult ticket for the early access screening on Nov. 2 can get a free kids ticket with the purchase of an adult ticket.

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