
Why THE RINGS OF POWER Season 2 Promises to Be Better Than the First

Why THE RINGS OF POWER Season 2 Promises to Be Better Than the First

By Movieguide® Contributor

The showrunners behind THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RINGS OF POWER believe they have found their stride and promise the second season will deliver where the first fell short.

“Anytime you’re going to be doing something the second time, you have all the benefit of everything that you learned,” executive producer and writer J.D. Payne told The Hollywood Reporter. “Having done it the first time, frankly, is a huge help.”

“The second season, we know our actors a lot better. We know their voices. We know how they live in these characters. So I think we knew where the bull’s-eye was in terms of how to write to each of their strengths,” Payne continued.

“Another part is you had to set up an entire world in season one. You have to introduce audiences to the Second Age. You have to meet all these different characters in a half dozen worlds,” he added. “It’s a lot to onboard. Now we’re really able to just hit the ground running by virtue of the fact that this is the next chapter, the board is set, and the pieces are in motion. We can start with a bang. Sauron is making moves and he never slows down — neither does the show.”

Despite the first season’s flaws, it boasted a massive audience, grabbing a record number of Prime Video viewers after its debut. The first season, however, struggled with pandemic-related delays as well as the painstaking process of making sure the lore lined up with J.R.R. Tolkien’s writings.

With these issues sorted out, the second season has the room to soar and provide an even better experience than season one.

“There are many shows I love that in their first season, [they] were still honing the tone and rhythm and the characters and their voices…” said writer Patrick McKay. “That’s part of starting off a big, ambitious show. Part of the first season is trying to find your lane. And I think season two…we really know where this show wants to live.”

“We really found the tone of the show in [the final episodes of season one] — they’re more grounded, they’re grittier, they’re more dramatic, they’re very emotional,” McKay added. “I think they helped us cinematically, but also in terms of performance and tone.”

McKay is certainly right when he says the show has become grittier over time. Season 2 begins with an extremely gory scene that, unfortunately, might turn some viewers off. The show, however, remains rooted in Tolkien’s morally grounded world, teaching lessons prevalent throughout the Bible. A portion of Movieguide®’s review reads:

Episode One of THE RINGS OF POWER: Season 2 shows how cleverly Sauron is able to warp the desires of elves and other creatures to suit his own evil designs. The episode encourages people to make sure they’re doing the right thing and not to be easily swayed. However, the opening scene is very violent. Happily, the violence in the next two episodes isn’t as strong. That said, MOVIEGUIDE® advises extreme caution for the violence in the first scene of RINGS OF POWER: Season Two: Episode One.

The first three episodes of the season are now available, with a new episode releasing every Thursday through Oct. 3.

Movieguide® previously reported:

Prime Video’s latest THE LORD OF THE RINGS: RINGS OF POWER Season 2 trailer promises “power changes everything.”

The trailer “reveals Middle-earth in the throes of discord, sown by Sauron, and the deception and manipulation that lead to the crafting of more of the titular Rings of Power,” a press release announces.

“Unlikely alliances are forged amidst fire, and true friendships are tested. Dangers no longer lurk in shadow, but slither their way into the light,” the release continues. “Weighty decisions rest on the shoulders of the realms of Eregion, Khazad-dûm, Lindon, Númenor, and the lands in-between, as the safety and peace of these kingdoms hang in the balance.”

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