Why Did the HBO Max Debut Flop?
By Tess Farrand, Associate Content Editor
HBO Max’s debut was quite underwhelming, especially compared to competitors.
“HBO Max’s launch has thus far been notably less smooth than the launch of Disney+, due to a variety of factors, including confusing branding, uncertainty about how to get the product, and limitations on how consumers can actually watch the product, particularly on television,” said Vijay Jayant, an Evercore ISI analyst.
HBO Max launched Wednesday May 27, 2020, with an impressive lineup of fan favorites movies and TV shows such as FRIENDS, FRESH PRINCE OF BEL-AIR and LOONEY TOONS.
Despite the line-up, the issue could stem from lack of accessibility.
“For the moment, customers eligible to watch HBO Max need to use a third-party streaming device to watch it on their TVs, and here the limitation lies,” said Jayant.
Jayant also believes that there’s a disconnect between HBO Max content and distributors.
Across the board, many entertainment fans feel that HBO Max has many kinks to work out.
Although most of HBO Max’s original programming isn’t family-friendly, subscribers can stream some family-friendly entertainment courtesy of Warner Bros. studios.
Click here to see family-friendly options on HBO Max this month!
Next year, DC comic fans will satisfy their demand for Zack Synder’s cut of THE JUSTICE LEAGUE when it premieres on HBO Max.
Until then we’ll have to be content with classic content options on the new streaming service like CASABLANCA and THE LORD OF THE RINGS: FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING.
Have you signed up for HBO Max? Let us know!