
WONDER WOMAN 1984 Celebrates Truth and Love

WONDER WOMAN 1984 Celebrates Truth and Love 

By Movieguide® Staff

Editor’s note: This is just a portion of our review for WONDER WOMAN 1984 (2020).  For our full review, click here.

WONDER WOMAN 1984 takes Diana Prince, aka Wonder Woman, from World War I to 1984, where she must defeat a con man who’s gotten his hands on a magical Dream Stone that makes a person’s biggest wish come true but eventually leaves chaos and destruction in its wake. WONDER WOMAN 1984 is an exhilarating, heartwarming superhero movie that stresses Truth, Love and Joy, but it contains two scenes implying premarital relationships, some pagan, mythological references, and foul language, with lots of thrilling action and jeopardy.

The movie opens with Wonder Woman remembering an incident from her childhood on the hidden Amazon island, when Diana competed in a big sporting event with young adult women. After running through a giant obstacle course like something out of TV’s AMERICAN NINJA WARRIOR, the contestants leap into the ocean and swim to a beach where horses await them. While riding the horses, they have to grab some bows and arrows and successfully hit targets that hit different colored smoke. Diana and her horse are well in the lead but Diana falls off her horse while hitting some bushy tree branches. She takes a shortcut to get back on her horse, which is still in the lead. As she enters the stadium, however, to cross the finish line, her mother pulls her away, and another young lady wins the race.

Diana doesn’t think this is fair, but her mother reminds her that she took a shortcut, and that’s cheating. “That is the truth,” her mother tells her, “and truth is all there is. No true hero is born from lies.”

WONDER WOMAN 1984 is an exhilarating, exciting superhero movie with a lot of heart. The action scenes are thrilling and full of jeopardy. The characters are well defined and engaging. The acting and direction are first rate. Finally, the story has many heartfelt moments that will deeply touch the receptive viewer’s mind and heart.

Ultimately, WONDER WOMAN 1984 is a story celebrating Truth and Love. As such, it may remind Christian viewers of 1 Corinthians 13:6 in the new testament, which says, “Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.” Other parts of the movie also may remind Christian moviegoers of other parts of Paul’s passage defining love in Chapter 13 of First Corinthians, such as “Love is patient, love is kind,” Verse Four,” and “love is not self-seeking,” Verse Five. For example, Diana’s mother mentions patience as a virtue. Also, Max is virtually destroyed by his selfishness. Finally, Barbara’s lust for strength destroys her compassion for other people. Thus, while the movie has a slightly Romantic, idealized notion of people’s capacity to learn and be reformed, it also seems to agree with the Christian, biblical view that human beings are terribly flawed and even sinful and their wishes and desires are tainted by their flaws and sins.

Even so, however, WONDER WOMAN 1984 doesn’t have a Christian view of human salvation. In fact, the dialogue contains references to polytheism. For example, at one point, in explaining the magical, supernatural, evil origins of the Dream Stone, Diana says, “There were many gods” who used “elemental” forces or resources on Earth to create magical objects to serve one purpose or another. Diana’s own super powers seem more magical and mythological rather than based on something scientific or related to the God of the Bible’s supernatural power. Ultimately, therefore, the movie sees faith and religion as a divisive force in the world. Only in so far as faith and religion follows virtues like Truth, Love, Patience, Kindness, Sacrifice, Goodness, and Joy does it have any benefit.

WONDER WOMAN 1984 also has some foul language in it. Also, it implies at one point that Diana and Steve and Barbara and Max sleep together. Finally, it has lots of thrilling action and jeopardy. So, MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution for older children.

Quality: - Content: +2
Watch BLUEY: Episodes 3.38-47
Quality: - Content: +2