

What You Need To Know:

COMPANION is a bloody science fiction thriller and morality tale. The movie opens with a pretty young woman named Iris saying her two happiest days were when she met the love of her life, Josh, and the day she killed him. Cut to Iris and Josh having love at first sight at the grocery store. Some months later, Josh and Iris gather with their friends, Cat and Sergey and Eli and Patrick at Sergey’s isolated lake house. Josh causes problems for his friends when it turns out he’s manipulating Iris for nefarious, criminal purposes.

COMPANION tells a really good morality tale about lust, greed and treating human robots like people. The movie is also well-written and suspenseful, with nice plot twists. COMPANION turns out to be a provocative morality tale warning about the dangers of greed, lust and manipulation. It also delivers a great warning about treating human robots like people, especially to satisfy our lusts and greed. However, COMPANION has lots of bloody, extreme violence and abundant foul language. Also, it has a politically correct homosexual subplot that undermines its morality tale.


(BB, PCPC, HoHo, LLL, VVV, SS, N, AA, M):

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:
Strong moral worldview and morality tale against greed, lust, manipulation, and using android robots for sex and companionship, and there’s a strong general moral theme promoting the benefits of having meaning and purpose in one’s life and a positive nod to freedom, but a politically correct, homosexual subplot suggests that the warning against using android robots for sex and companionship doesn’t necessarily apply to LGBT lust;

Foul Language:
At least 97 obscenities (mostly “f” words), six strong profanities using the name of Jesus Christ, six GD profanities, and three light profanities;

Very strong, strong and light violence with blood includes character stabbed in carotid artery in neck and blood gushes out, a character is covered in blood, characters shot dead (sometimes with bloody effects), attempted rape, character hits would-be rapist with vodka bottle, and he falls and hits his head on a rock, but he’s only stunned momentarily, a character is stabbed with an automatic corkscrew that cores out part of brain to death, a character is shot in the head, man’s hand caught in door, character’s arm is severely burned, and the effects are shown;

Brief depicted sex as man is on top of woman on bed, married man forcibly kisses woman and then tries to rape her, but she stabs him in his carotid artery, and he dies quicky with a gush of blood, there’s a male homosexual couple in the movie who kiss multiple times, and there are several strong lewd sexual references;

Upper male nudity in one scene, and woman briefly shown taking showers alone twice, but nothing explicit is shown;

Alcohol Use:
Alcohol use and people have too much to drink at party (one character has a hangover the next morning);

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
No smoking or illegal drugs, but woman takes Xanax and mixes it with alcohol during stressful situation in one scene (friend warns her about dung that, but she waves hm off); and,

Miscellaneous Immorality:
Greed and lust and manipulation, but they have negative side effects leading to death, and a character says most of life is dark and depressing, but there are moments of light.

More Detail:

COMPANION is a bloody science fiction thriller where a greedy young man causes terrible problems for himself and his friends when he decides to manipulate his apparent girlfriend for nefarious, criminal purposes. COMPANION tells a really good morality tale about lust, greed and treating human robots like people, but it has abundant foul language, lots of extreme and bloody violence, and a politically correct homosexual subplot that undercuts the story’s morality tale.

The movie opens with a young woman named Iris having a “meet cute” with a young man named Josh in the grocery store. He narrates that the two times she’s been most happy have been the time she met him and the time she killed him. Despite the second example, it looks like love at first sight when they meet.

Later, Josh is driving them to an isolated lake house owned by a wealthy but shady Russian businessman named Sergey. Josh’s beautiful friend, Cat, is Sergey’s mistress. Iris finds out that Cat paces herself at Sergey’s beck and call because of all his money. In addition to Cat and Sergey, the lake house visitors are two homosexual lovers. One is Cat and Josh’s chubby friend, Eli. The other is a handsome, tanned and lithe lover, Patrick.

The next morning, after dinner and a drunken party the night before, Iris decides to sit down by the lake while Josh nurses a hangover. Sergey shortly joins Iris there. Then, he tries to forcibly kiss her. Iris says no and hits Sergey with his vodka bottle. Sergey falls and hits his head on a rock. However, he wakes up, hits her and tries to rape her. To defend herself, she stabs him in the jugular, and he dies.

Josh, and the other people find out what happened. However, a major twist occurs, which changes everything.

COMPANION is a well-written, suspense-filled science fiction thriller, with some nice plot twists. However, it does have at least two plot problems. First, a plot twist near the end relies on Josh not knowing something that he really should have known. The second problem has to do with the movie’s worldview and themes.

For example, the movie, and its story and worldview offer an excellent, insightful morality tale about the evils that come when you treat human robots, or androids, like people. Especially if you use human robots to satisfy your lusts, including your greed. [SPOILERS FOLLOW] Josh, Cat, Eli, and Sergey are all destroyed by their greed and lusts, while Iris has no greed or lust. She just wants Josh to be happy and only turns against him when he tries to destroy her. So far, so good. However, the filmmakers, in their efforts to be politically correct, choose to turn the movie’s homosexual couple, Eli and Patrick, into an ideal romance. This undercuts the movie’s powerful warning not to treat robots like people, especially when you use robots to satisfy your greed and lust, whether it be sex, money or power. It also dilutes the movie’s warning against lust and greed destroy.

In addition, COMPANION has extreme bloody violence and abundant foul language that’s strongly excessive. So, it’s not acceptable entertainment, even though it also has a strong theme about finding meaning and purpose in life.

Quality: - Content: +3
Quality: - Content: +4