

What You Need To Know:

COMPLIANCE is based on true stories that took place in the United States. A prank caller phones a fast food restaurant claiming to be a policeman. The man claims to need the manager’s assistance in detaining an attractive teenage employee for the alleged theft of a customer’s purse. He orders the manager and other people to engage in all manner of physically and psychologically degrading actions against the helpless employee. Eventually, the employee is ordered to engage in a couple lewd acts herself.

COMPLIANCE is shot in very realistic, near-documentary style. The cast expertly performs its duties. However, the story’s lurid details make COMPLIANCE very difficult viewing. The movie isn’t even remotely entertaining. That said, the purpose seems to be to warn viewers to think for themselves in situations where alleged authority figures order them to commit heinous acts. Ultimately, COMPLIANCE is grim medicine, but it’s also an intelligent conversation-starter as well as a cautionary tale. Though COMPLIANCE shows some restraint, the lewd content that is shown is excessive.


(B, PaPaPa, LLL, V, SSS, NN, MMM) Light moral worldview in a cautionary tale about the sinfulness of man but in a lurid story based on true events where people surrender their moral conscience, though one character calls the real police; 28 obscenities and profanities; depicted spanking and implied and psychological violence; extreme sexual content includes graphic sexual dialogue, forced implied oral sex, psycho-sexual humiliation, teenage girl forced to be strip searched; upper and rear female nudity, implied full nudity, strip search scene; no alcohol; no smoking or drugs; and, man lies, deceives, and verbally abuses people to get them to do outrageous or lewd things.

More Detail:

COMPLIANCE is a brilliantly executed but very disturbing drama based on incredible true events. However, the lurid nature of the story is extreme, even though the filmmakers try to avoid exploiting it too explicitly.

Based on the true events of more than 70 incidents nationwide, a prank caller phones a fast food restaurant claiming to be a policeman. The man claims to need the manager’s assistance in detaining an attractive teenage employee for the alleged theft of a customer’s purse. He orders the manager and other people to engage in all manner of physically and psychologically degrading actions against the helpless female employee.

COMPLIANCE is shot in very realistic, near-documentary style. The cast expertly performs its scenes. However, the lurid details of the story make COMPLIANCE very difficult viewing. The movie definitely isn’t light entertainment. That said, the purpose seems to be to warn viewers to think for themselves in situations where alleged authority figures order them to commit heinous acts. Ultimately, COMPLIANCE is grim medicine, but it’s also an intelligent conversation-starter as well as a cautionary tale. Though COMPLIANCE pulls back from showing everything, the lewd content that is shown is excessive.

Watch THE SNOOPY SHOW: Season Three
Quality: - Content: +2
Quality: - Content: +4