"Over the Edge"

None | Light | Moderate | Heavy | |
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What You Need To Know:
The R-rated FAMILY WEEKEND has a lot of crude elements, which makes it not family friendly. The children themselves are very crude. For example, the younger daughter goes around saying she’s a particular movie character, who does drugs and is a prostitute. FAMILY WEEKEND doesn’t have much jeopardy. It’s trying to be as quirky as Wes Anderson’s movies, but the plotline isn’t as interesting. Finally, FAMILY WEEKEND has a mixed worldview with Christian elements, Hindu and New Age content, and comments that there’s no one true religion.
(PaPa, FRFR, CC, BB, EE, HoHo, LL, V, SS, N, A, DD, MMM) Strong mixed, or pagan, worldview with New Age pagan, Hindu, moral, and overt Christian elements, including some environmentalist comments about mother earth, talks about people’s “energy,” prayer said to both the Lord and a Hindu demigod, talk about the need to spend time with one’s family and to set appropriate boundaries for children, and comments about there is not one true religion but all have truth, though many of these things are to be taken sarcastically or comically, plus boy pretends to be homosexual; 14 obscenities (including two “f” words), 11 profanities, toilet humor as the children have to take their parents to the bathroom when they are tied up, and an obscene gesture; violence includes girl ties up parents and puts duck tape over mouth, sister kicks brother, Emily hits man over the head with her trophy, ties him up, and puts him into a cage, Emily sprays her mother’s eyes with a cleaning product; mentions of man wanting to sleep with married women, mentions of male private parts, boy pretends to be homosexual, images to suggest pornography but not explicitly shown, young girl of elementary school age pretends to be a prostitute, and father talks about condoms, oral sex, and anal sex in front of teenage children; upper male nudity, implied pornography but not shown, naked female sculpture; light drinking; marijuana use, child accidently gives man an Ecstasy pill, and elementary school girl pretends to be a drug addict; and, lying, kidnapping, bad role models, extremely dysfunctional family portrayal, and some moral relativism.
More Detail:
Emily Smith-Dungy wants to unite her dysfunctional family in the R-rated comedy FAMILY WEEKEND. FAMILY WEEKEND has a positive overarching theme, but there are too many crude elements to make it a family movie.
Emily is an overachiever who’s passionate about jumping rope. It’s the regional jump rope competition, and no one in Emily’s family came to see her compete and win first place. Distressed, Emily asks each family member why they didn’t come watch her, including her work driven mother, artsy father, homosexual brother, dramatic sister, New Age grandmother, and adventurous littler brother. Completely consumed with themselves, this family is very disconnected. Everyone sits down at the table together for dinner, but no one is interested in being with each other.
This leads Emily to take drastic action. She drugs her parents and ties them up to knock some sense into them. Her mother is not very pleased about this and screams and screams until Emily covers her mouth with duck tape.
Emily devises a plan and strategy of how to educate her parents on good parenting. Getting all her siblings to do different things, the children keep their parents tied up to tell them why it’s important to focus on family. Duncan, their father, is an artist who hasn’t produced any art in three and a half years, but sits in his studio. Samantha, their mother, focuses only on work. The children have become completely odd, with the very young daughter walking around acting the roll of a prostitute from an older film. Meanwhile, Emily’s older brother pretends to be homosexual.
Emily decides the family needs a complete transformation. Emily tells her parents that they should not be saying crude things and children should not cure. When an unexpected guest comes to the house, the parents have to be quickly hidden. Will Emily be able to unite the family back together?
FAMILY WEEKEND has a lot of crude elements, which makes it not family friendly. The children themselves are very crude, including one young girl going around saying she’s a character from a movie, who does drugs and is a prostitute. Also, the movie’s worldview is mixed with overt Christian, New Age and Hindu references, along with some environmentalist comments about “mother earth” and talk about people’s “energy.” Finally, comments are made that there isn’t one true religion but all have some truth in them. Of course, the correct answer is that Christianity is the one true religion, although some Non-Christian religions might have some truth in them, such as the belief in Judaism and Islam that there is only one Creator God.
Overall, FAMILY WEEKEND has a positive theme of trying to unite a dysfunctional family, but the movie is too marred with objectionable elements to make it an appropriate movie, even for older teenagers or adults.
FAMILY WEEKEND doesn’t have much jeopardy. It’s trying to be as quirky as Wes Anderson movies and LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE, but the plotline is not as interesting as it could be and has little depth. In fact, it’s a bit confusing about what demographic the filmmakers are trying to reach. FAMILY WEEKEND is too crude for children and young teenagers and not interesting enough for older teenagers and adults.