


What You Need To Know:

SEASON OF MIRACLES is based on the Kairos Prize winning script by Rusty Whitener. Set in 1974 in a small Southern town, it tells about an unlikely winning baseball team. The Robins have a history of losing until they discover that Rafer, who is autistic, has a gift for home runs and catching. With Rafer on their team, they start winning games. His dad, however, is very mean who’s constantly abused Rafer. Other boys at school make fun of Rafer. Slowly but surely, God works a miracle that transforms Rafer’s dad and the children. However, just as they’re about to go to the title game, Rafer collapses and is hospitalized. Can they win without Rafer? Will Rafer survive?

The story for SEASON OF MIRACLES is excellent. Rusty Whitener does a great job as the father. John Schneider and Nancy Stafford are good. The problem is that much of the acting is over the top and the directing is on the nose. That said, SEASON OF MIRACLES is a watchable, entertaining movie, and MOVIEGUIDE® commends everyone’s attempt to tell a moving, evangelistic story.


(CCC, BBB, V, M) Extremely Christian, evangelistic worldview with strong love your neighbor themes; no foul language; mild violence such as boys scuffle and retarded boy collapses and is put in hospital; no sex; no nudity; no alcohol; no smoking or drugs; and, childhood taunting.

More Detail:

SEASON OF MIRACLES is based on the Kairos Prize winning script by Rusty Whitener. Set in 1974, in a small Southern town, it tells a story in flashback of an unlikely winning baseball team.

The Robins have a history of losing until they discover that Rafer, who is severely autistic, has a gift for home runs and catching. With Rafer on their team, they start winning games. His dad, however, is a very mean man who’s constantly abused Rafer. Other boys at school make fun of Rafer. Slowly but surely, God works a miracle that transforms Rafer’s dad and the other children. However, just as they’re about to go to the title game, Rafer collapses and is hospitalized. Can they win without Rafer? Will Rafer survive?

The story for SEASON OF MIRACLES is excellent. Rusty Whitener does a great job as the father. John Schneider and Nancy Stafford are good. The problem is that much of the acting is over the top and much of the directing is on the nose. That said, SEASON OF MIRACLES is a watchable, entertaining movie, and MOVIEGUIDE® commends everyone’s attempt to tell a moving, evangelistic story.

Quality: - Content: +4
Quality: - Content: +4