

"A Faithful Visual Account"

What You Need To Know:

Shot in South Africa in the 1990s, THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MATTHEW is a word-for-word dramatization of the Book of Matthew in the New Testament documents. From the Nativity to His Ascension, the movie depicts the birth, ministry, death, and Resurrection of Christ in His life on earth. A word-for-word visual depiction, this DVD movie quotes the entirety of Matthew’s Gospel narrative with verse references at the bottom of the screen throughout.

The acting in THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MATTHEW is well done, and the movie is a fitting and beautiful interpretation of the original gospel narrative. True to the text, the story never deviates from the biblical account. As a result, the movie’s depiction of Christ and His ministry is excellent. The cinematic quality at times leaves something to be desired, but the overall viewing experience is satisfactory. Due to the violence associated with Jesus Christ’s passion and crucifixion, this film is designed for older children and adults. Many people start with reading THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW in the New Testament in their journey to salvation. This movie provides another excellent starting point.


(CCC, BBB, VV, N, A, M) Very strong Christian worldview and redemptive elements including the quotation of Scripture, baptism, and references to Jesus, Son of God, disciples, Messiah, the Holy Spirit, angels, prophets, John the Baptist, heaven, miracles, the Lord’s prayer, and resurrection with very strong depiction of the Bible and biblical moral values including justice, generosity, worship, repentance, confession, reconciliation, righteousness, fasting, meekness, mercy, love, integrity, forgiveness, faith, compassion, wisdom, humility, patience, selflessness, and self-sacrifice; no profanities or obscenities; moderate violence with soldiers shown chasing/striking down young children to kill them, a dead man’s head is shown being carried in on a platter, a man hangs himself, a man is struck across the face, beaten, bloodied, spit upon, nailed to a cross, and crucified; no sexual content; mild nudity with lower rear nudity on several children, many different men are shown shirtless, some men shown in loincloths; mild drinking with wine served at a meal; no smoking; betrayal, greed, envy.

More Detail:

Shot in South Africa in the 1990s, THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MATTHEW is a word-for-word dramatization of the Book of Matthew in the New Testament documents. A new 15th Anniversary DVD is being released this Easter.

From the Nativity to His Ascension, the movie depicts the birth, ministry, death, and the Resurrection of Christ in His life on earth. A word-for-word visual depiction, this DVD movie quotes the entirety of Matthew’s Gospel narrative with verse references at the bottom of the screen throughout.

The movie starts out with pastoral pictures of the Israeli countryside. Matthew gives some background information on himself and why he wrote the book, “to show that Jesus of Nazareth is the long-awaited Messiah.” He then goes into the genealogy of Jesus, explaining it to scribes and even young children. (As the verses are stated, the chapter and verse are indicated on the lower right hand corner.) As the story progresses into the life of Jesus, the Bible text is read in narration by the Matthew character until the other players are given their lines. Then, dialogue and narration are traded back and forth throughout the rest of the movie.

This Visual Bible is useful for comment, preaching, teaching, and illumination, as well as entertainment for the family. It is literally, a Visual Bible that children and adults can appreciate. It is accessible, clear and entertaining.

The acting in THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MATTHEW is well done, and the movie is a fitting and beautiful interpretation of the original Gospel narrative. True to the text, the story never deviates from the biblical account. As a result, the movie’s depiction of Christ and His ministry is excellent. The cinematic quality at times leaves something to be desired, but the overall viewing experience is satisfactory. Due to the violence associated with Jesus Christ’s passion and crucifixion, this movie is designed for older children and adults. Many people start with reading THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW in the New Testament in their journey to salvation. This movie provides another excellent starting point. It’s a worthwhile presentation of the Truth of the Word of God, a tool needed to be seen by all the peoples of the world.

Quality: - Content: +2
Quality: - Content: +1