
4 Reasons Christmas Movies Matter

4 Reasons Christmas Movies Matter

By Tess Farrand, Staff Writer

Editor’s note: This article was originally published on Dec. 11, 2018. 

As we sip our hot chocolate and decorate our gingerbread houses, Advent season is in full swing. With this comes some of our favorite holiday traditions and of course, Christmas movies…. As we approach this amazing holiday, we want to take a moment to dwell on the blessings that Christmas movies can bring.

  1. They Encourage Family Values

Christmastime is a great time to go to the movies with your family and see stories that uplift the family too! Since Hollywood studios know that Christmas is prime for the family audience, they work very hard to deliver options that everyone will enjoy and that cultivate a pro-family message. Recall the beloved movie, IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE. The quintessential family man, George Bailey (Jimmy Stewart), hits an emotional rough patch as Christmas draws near. With the help of Clarence, George sees what life for his family would look like without him in it. George undergoes a miraculous change of heart seeing that his disgruntled attitude detracts for the happiness and love he feels when surrounded by his family and loved ones!

Want to know which ones are right for your family? Click here to see our most recent reviews!

  1. They Inspire Joy

“Joy to the world…” This Christmas carol reminds us that we have a lot to be joyful about. As the year comes to a close and we gather with our loved ones, a joyful spirit encourages us to see past family discord and perpetuate happiness to those around us. Christmas movies like THE GRINCH, THE MUPPET CHRISTMAS CAROL and A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS do a fantastic job of depicting the joy that comes from celebrating the real reason for the season!

  1. They Show the Value in Serving Others

Just as Jesus asserts in the gospel (Luke 22:27), serving others around you is a way to show and demonstrate the love of Christ. As believers, Christmastime compels us to honor this noteworthy need to serve our community. Movies like THE GRINCH show us how to lend a hand and it encourages audiences of all ages to remember just how impactful service is.

  1. They Honor the Birth of Jesus

For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” – Isaiah 9:6 (NKJV).”

Each year, Christmas reminds us of the fulfillment of God’s promise, Jesus coming to Earth to live as a man and then die, rise from the grave and give us the opportunity to be reconciled to God the Father! Christmas is an amazing time to share the truth of the gospel and we love movies like THE NATIVITY STORY and THE STAR that cause us to stop and be thankful for our King of Kings.

For some Christmas movies suggestions, click here for our top 10 list!

For more movie options available on Hallmark and UpTV, click here.

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