
Actress Embraces Faith-Focused Entertainment: ‘My Gifts Belong to God’ 

Actress Embraces Faith-Focused Entertainment: ‘My Gifts Belong to God’ 

By Movieguide® Contributor

After recognizing the pervasive evil in the entertainment industry, actress Nichole Abisino has committed to using her platform for God and sharing her story to empower others. 

Abisino came to Christ after running out of the Cannes Film Festival, searching for a church.

“All these years that I fought to be in the industry,” she said, reflecting on the moment she realized she needed a Savior. “I’m on the red carpet…It was supposed to be this amazing, ‘you’ve arrived’ moment. The world told you, get success, get these things and you’ll have everything and you’ll be fulfilled and happy.” 

“It was the opposite. It was actually the most empty [I’ve felt]. I just knew that I needed to find God. And I didn’t even know what that meant. I just knew I needed to find a church,” she shared.

Abisino said that, at the time, she didn’t realize the content she was creating was “evil.”

“I literally just thought I was entertaining people,” she said. “I was kind of a product of my environment when my stuff had a lot of violence in it or cursing or these types of things because I was just a reflection of the world.”

“I had no idea that my gifts belong to God, and that they should be used for Him. The enemy always wants to use whatever our gifts are; he wants to twist them and use them for him instead,” she continued. 

Not only did Abisino confront the darkness in Hollywood, but she experienced evil firsthand in her own life. 

Her father attempted to kill her mother because she refused to abort Abisino. When she was older, she survived being stalked and an attempted kidnapping. 

“It began this journey of really understanding that there was a lot of evil out there, and what was I going to do for protection,” she said of these experiences. “I didn’t understand that the Lord was going to protect me and He was really the only One that could take care of me. I thought He was this far-off God. I definitely believed in Jesus, I believe that there was a God, I just thought He didn’t care about me.”

Since embracing Christianity, Abisino has committed to using her talents for faith-focused entertainment, sometimes drawing on her own traumatic experiences to help others, like in Pure Flix’s THE ADVOCATE. 

“I’ve prayed, ‘Lord, why would you even allow this; these were terrifying experiences,’” she said. “And first, the Lord was like, ‘Are you safe?’ And I said, ‘Yes, I am, technically.’ And He said, ‘Think about all the girls, the women, the families that don’t have the background that you have. They didn’t grow up with that constant ability to know what to look for.’”

In THE ADVOCATE, Abisino’s character works as a child protective services agent who uses her God-given skills to help children. Through the series, Abisino includes safety tips to help people protect themselves in difficult and potentially dangerous situations. 

As she works in the Christian movie industry, Abisino stresses that Christian filmmakers must strive for excellence in their work. 

“God wants excellence; He wants our films to be high quality,” she said. “They should be the best.”

“What happens a lot in faith films is we try to look like [Hollywood] as opposed to just being our own unique thing and letting them look like us,” she continued. “They’re not leading; we need to lead.”

Watch THE SNOOPY SHOW: Season Three
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