Danny Gokey Explains How the Holy Spirit Transforms Us
By Movieguide® Contributor
Danny Gokey explained how the Holy Spirit moves in us to shape our hearts towards the Gospel, allowing the desires of the flesh to fall away.
“The Bible says that we should no longer live as the Gentiles did – people who don’t know the Gospel. The word of God is a lamp unto my feet. It is a light unto my path. You don’t have to walk in darkness anymore,” Gokey said.
“Now, if you feel like you’re X, Y and Z, is it easy to go back and submit to what the [Bible] says? No, because you have to put your flesh down,” he continued. “But the minute you get that out of the way and you let the Christ in you rise up, you’ll notice that it’s not by your mind, not by your power, but it’s by the strength of the Holy Spirit working on the inside of you.”
As Christians, it is emboldening to know that we have the Holy Spirit moving within us. Only through His power can we overcome our sinful nature and begin to embody the fruits of the Spirit.
The difference between having the power of the Holy Spirit and not having His power is exemplified at the beginning of Acts during the day of Pentecost when the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit. The disciples were not only given the ability to speak in a plethora of languages, but they also had the boldness to go into the public square and preach the Gospel, inspiring thousands to give their lives to Christ – starting the church.
Through the power of the Holy Spirit – and the understanding of the significance of Christ’s death – the disciples were able to transform from self-obsessed people focused on the world into selfless heroes of the faith who committed their lives to the Gospel.
That life-changing power of the Holy Spirit is still at work today, shaping the hearts of those who let Him mold their actions and submit to the will of God.
Movieguide® previously reported:
Danny Gokey shared a reminder that accepting Jesus into our lives is the start of a journey rather than a one-time action that requires afterthought.
“Did you know that when you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior that was a first step? But there are now continued instructions on what to do next,” Gokey told his followers. “Many people think, ‘I gave my life to Jesus, alright, now I’m just going to live. I got a free pass to heaven.’”
“That’s not it. Paul in Colossians 2:6 gives instructions on what to do next,” he continued. “‘So then, just as you receive Jesus Christ as Lord,’ it says ‘continue.’ Well, continue to do what? ‘Continue to life your lives in Him.’ Other translations say, ‘Continue to follow Him.’”
“[This] makes me think of the verses in the Gospels where Jesus said, ‘If anyone wants to follow me,’ doesn’t matter who it is. He said, you must first, ‘Deny himself, take up his cross, and then follow me.’ Jesus is taking us on a journey,” Gokey explained.