
Is Tauren Wells’ New Song Biblically Accurate?

Tauren Wells/Instagram

Is Tauren Wells’ New Song Biblically Accurate?

By Movieguide® Contributor

Christian artist Tauren Wells recently received some criticism for his song “Crazy About You.”

He took to Instagram on Monday to offer some clarification.

“I have had a lot of people that have taken issue with my song, ‘Crazy About You’…Even radio programmers won’t play it because they feel like something is wrong with the theology,” the singer told his followers.

Wells confessed that he respects his critics and understands that they need to scrutinize the material that they play.

He said, “I try to turn their criticisms inside out and see if there is anything of value that I can learn.”

The lyrics that some people have issue with are:

He’s never been mad at you

He’s only been madly in love


He’s never held your past against you

He’s only held you close

People have problems with it, “To the point at which people can’t support it, it which is saying something,” he continued. “…I was challenged by it.”

“But I was reading this book, ‘Gentle and Lowly,’ and this author…made this incredible point…There have obviously been volumes, millions of words written about Jesus talking about…every aspect of him, who he is, and what he’s about and what he values and what he did…He says that we find lengthy speeches about him, so many things to consider, and yet there is a particular place where Jesus tells us about his whole heart,” Wells said.

“There is one specific place where Jesus himself, from his own words, tells us about his own heart,” he repeated. “And it’s Matthew 11:28-30: “Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and you will find rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart.”

Wells quoted “Gentle and Lowley” author Dane C. Ortlund: “’What he is, he does, he cannot act any other way’…[which] proves his heart.” He continued, “He hates sin. He loves people.”

Wells emphasized that the song is about how much Jesus loves people. He used the word “crazy” because “to us, it is illogical, it does not make sense.”

K-LOVE reported, “The unconditional, sacrificial love of God is a crazy, mind-blowing kind of affection to comprehend. Yet, that love is real and available to each of us right here, right now. And that’s exactly what Wells, [and co-writers Ethan] Hulse and [Bernie] Herms attempted to put into words. In retrospect, they brilliantly break the Gospel down in just over three minutes.”

The singer gently reinforced his belief in the lyrics and used several examples of how much God chose to love instead of hate. Jesus did not hate those who crucified him. Wells also mentioned the woman at the well, someone who sinned and lied to Jesus. Jesus was not mad at her but graciously offered her the best gift he could give her: eternal life.

Movieguide® previously reported on “Crazy About You”:

Grammy award-nominated artist Tauren Wells opened up to his fans on Instagram to explain the message behind his song “Crazy About You.”

“Have you ever considered just for a moment that the God who shaped the heavens and the earth, stretched out the expanses of the universe, was actually willing to lay down all of his majesty and power in the person of Jesus Christ so that you could spend eternity with him?” Wells wrote in an Instagram post.

“The thing with Jesus is that he didn’t start from the bottom,” the singer continued. “He actually started from the top and went low so that he could get to you because you are that valuable to him.”

Despite the backlash, Wells got to perform the song on Fox And Friends in August of this year.