HGTV Star Records God’s Faithfulness — Here’s How She Does It
By Movieguide® Contributor
HGTV star Jenny Marrs has started blogging again in an effort to “process the world and the ways [she sees] God working in it.”
“Over the past eighteen months, I’ve been quietly working on a memoir,” she wrote in a Substack post. “The process has made me realize how much I miss long-form writing. Journaling is how I process the world around me and name the ways God is actively working in my life.”
Marrs shared that she had blogged throughout her and husband Dave’s adoption journey and is now “so thankful” she has those memories documented to look back on now.
“I have always been a natural historian — the keeper of the memories. I’ve always taken the photos and written down the moments,” she wrote. “I believe it’s an innate whisper gently directed by the Holy Spirit, as God clearly instructs us to remember.”
Marrs then shared a favorite piece of scripture, Deuteronomy 7:18-19:
Do not be afraid of them! Just remember what the Lord your God did to Pharaoh and to all the land of Egypt. Remember the great terrors the Lord your God sent against them. You saw it with your own eyes! And remember the miraculous signs and wonders, and the amazing power he used when he brought you out of Egypt.
“Moses gives us an antidote for fear = remember,” Marrs explained. “He instructs us to fight fear, to stand against anxiety, to remain steadfast in our faith simply by remembering God’s faithfulness in our past. When we look back at God’s faithfulness in the past, we can trust Him to be faithful in our present situation. The act of recording His faithfulness helps us to remember.”
She shared that, in times of fear or struggle, she often writes down favorite Bible verses to remind her of God’s love and faithfulness.
“Which brings me to this platform, I’ll take up the act of online journaling once again,” Marrs concluded. “I’ll use this space to record and remember. I hope you’ll join me here as I process the world and the ways I see God working in it.”
Marrs spoke about her upcoming second book in a recent Instagram post.
“Just emailed my first draft of my full manuscript for my second book to my editor,” she wrote. “The relief I feel right now is palpable (granted, there is plenty of work still to be done with the editing process but this is a HUGE step and I’m celebrating ?).
Marrs continued, “This book is all about God’s abounding faithfulness in my life. I have never written anything more vulnerable. I have never cried so much while writing. I have never said ‘nope. I don’t want to share that’ more times to God (don’t worry, I listened where He led even if I did so with trembling fingers hovering over the keyboard). I have never prayed so hard for the Holy Spirit to give me the stories and the words I should share and for the enemy to back down already.”
Movieguide® previously reported on Marrs’ first book:
FIXER TO FABULOUS star Jenny Marrs recently announced that the release of her new book, “House + Love = Home: Creating Warm, Intentional Spaces for a Beautiful Life,” is set for this coming November.
Marrs, who stars on the hit HGTV renovation show alongside her husband Dave, took to Instagram to share her gratitude for the opportunity to become an author.
“When I was in fourth grade, I wrote a book for class titled ‘Run Away Horse.’ It went on to be entered in the young author’s conference and I received a button that said ‘I’m An Author,’ which I fastened to my backpack and proudly toted around school. After receiving the button, I declared: this is what I want to do with my life. I want to be an author,” she recalled in a recent Instagram post.
“Which leads me here: in absolute awe that God opened the doors and led me on a windy, often unexpected, path to this exact moment. A moment He planted in my heart of hearts all those years ago,” she added. “I’m humbled, overjoyed and nervous to share the big news that I’ve written a book!”
“I didn’t want to write a standard how-to guide for decorating or renovating your home,” she explained. “There are enough beautiful and well-written books on the subject out there already. And, honestly, I don’t believe there is a one-size-fits-all guide that accounts for personal style and preference. Instead, I wanted to write a book to encourage you to be creative with your home.”