
Kanye West and Chick-Fil-A Partner With LA-Based Ministry to Give Away Meals

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia and James Bishop on Unsplsh

Kanye West and Chick-Fil-A Partner With LA-Based Ministry to Give Away Meals

By Tess Farrand, Associate Content Editor

Kanye West and Chick-Fil-A have both partnered with L.A.’s Dream Center, a faith-based nonprofit, to give away meals to those in need.

“Every morning I wake up and stand in the parking lot with our dedicated staff, I am blown away that day after day, week after week, there is enough food to provide to folks that need it,” Dream Center pastor Matthew Barnett told Fox News.

Chick-Fil-A has donated 5,000 chicken sandwiches in previous weeks to aid the Dream Center’s efforts, and West has donated the money to feed thousands of people. Though the two have not directly worked together, West’s love for the chicken fast-food restaurant was made known in his song “Closed on Sunday,” that extols biblical values of how to raise a family that honors God.

Collectively, Chick-Fil-A and West have helped the Dream Center feed over 300,000 people.

Faithwire reported, “Because of the ‘Jesus Is King’ rapper’s generous support, Barnett said they were able to expand their drive-thru meals to delivering to vulnerable seniors who need to remain isolated in their homes.”

Related: Church Delivers 500 Chick-fil-A Sandwiches to Hospital Workers

Barnett shared his awe of God on his social media during this season:

The ministry of the @ladreamcenter is not an overnight success but a slow grind. It took so long to get any momentum. Now today, crazy enough, I find myself back to where it all started giving out food on tables in a parking lot. Twenty five years of ministry, authored books, spoke at some of the most incredible conferences, big days with thousands of people packed into a church service. Where am I now? Living the best years of ministry doing the most simple things. Life is good, God is good, the basics will build you stronger than ever.


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Twenty Five years ago I came to Los Angeles only expecting to be here for 3 months. I was twenty years old and my dad asked me to come help him until he could find an experienced pastor. He couldn’t find anyone so I just stayed. Zero momentum back then, I decided to move my desk on the sidewalk and just hand out a few bags of food I was able to buy. It felt so small and insignificant but it was a start. The ministry of the @ladreamcenter is not an overnight success but a slow grind. It took so long to get any momentum. Now today, crazy enough, I find myself back to where it all started giving out food on tables in a parking lot. Twenty five years of ministry, authored books, spoke at some of the most incredible conferences, big days with thousands of people packed into a church service. Where am I now? Living the best years of ministry doing the most simple things. Life is good, God is good, the basics will build you stronger than ever.

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