Christian Actor Says We Are ‘Teed Up For Another Great Awakening’ — Here’s Why
By Movieguide® Contributor
Kirk Cameron is sharing his vision for a great awakening and what we can do to “bring heaven to earth.”
“Revival is my hope for the future of my children and my grandchildren,” he said in a recent YouTube video. “I think that we’ve gone so far off the rails as a country, morally and spiritually and politically and economically, that if we don’t course-correct immediately, we are in serious trouble.”
Cameron continued, “I really do believe that we are teed up for another great awakening. Great awakenings historically have come during times of moral decline, spiritual apathy, political corruption and economic collapse,” joking, “I think we’re there, don’t you?”
“[God] is orchestrating circumstances such that we will come to ourselves and turn back to the one who’s been so good to us,” he said.
Cameron then asked viewers to “dream” with him about “what could be if you and I lean into our faith and trust in God and live out the second-birth courage that you and I were designed to live out from ages past.”
“Imagine an America where people who are rejecting God [are] replaced with those people repenting and turning to Jesus,” he said. “Imagine an America where the assumption that Christians ought to keep their faith private is replaced with the idea that the happiest societies are those who conform their traditions and their values with love for God and love for His word.”
Cameron asked, “Can you imagine an America where love floods into the places that have been burned out by hate?”
“I think it’s not only possible, I think it’s inevitable and unstoppable,” he concluded. “If you and I and our families, as the family of faith, get a grip on our newborn identity and we begin to live out the courage that God has given us…we can transform and bring heaven to earth in our community.”
These ideas are outlined in Cameron’s latest book, “Born to be Brave.”
“I really want readers to feel equipped to overcome our opponents and start seeing culture as something we are called to create,” he told Fox News. “[Readers] will understand how America’s history gives direction for the future, and understand that politics needs the gospel because real change requires a transformation of the heart.”
Speaking about the book and its message, Cameron said, “God has given us a birthright of courage — and if we choose to live in this bravery, the Army of Compassion will realign the nation with its Christian roots. If we’re going to change the nation and the world, we need to move beyond paralyzed outrage and start acting with courage and confidence. God is always on the move — and we can keep up with Him because He has given us the ability to do so. We were born to be brave.”
Movieguide® previously reported on Cameron’s thoughts on revival:
Actor Kirk Cameron explained why he has hope for America’s future despite the spiritual bankruptcy that plagues the country and why he believes the U.S. is set up for a Christian revival.
“Everywhere I go, I find that people within the family of faith are feeling more and more discouraged, inching themselves toward the cliff of despair and hopelessness,” Cameron said. “Some even believe that it is written in heaven that things will only get inevitably worse, and they’ll point to the book of Revelation or Daniel and say that there’s absolutely nothing we can do or even should do.”
“In their minds, things are not falling apart because of apathy or complacency or sin. They’re falling into place,” he continued. “I think that’s completely backwards, and I think the hopelessness is totally misplaced.”
“I think that when all authority, both in heaven and on earth, was given to our Savior, that means there’s zero authority left the forces of evil and darkness. They can try, but it’s a losing battle, and we’re on the winning team,” he added. “All of the chaos and all of the corruption that feels to you and me like the perfect storm that’s coming upon our children and our grandchildren is really just a white cap on the top edge of a tsunami wave of the goodness and faithfulness of God that is sweeping across the face of the Earth and has been on the move for the last 2,000 years, ever since Jesus passed from death to life, rose from the grave and sent the Holy Spirit of God into your heart and into mine.”