Mike Rowe’s Series SOMEBODY’S GOTTA DO IT Now Streamable on PureFlix
By Movieguide® Staff
Television host Mike Rowe, best known for his Discovery Channel series DIRTY JOBS, garnered a large following for his matter-of-fact and common-sense outlook on life.
Although DIRTY JOBS ended in 2020, Rowe hosted a Facebook series titled RETURNING THE FAVOR and a podcast, THE WAY I HEARD IT. He also hosts SIX DEGREES WITH MIKE ROWE on Discovery+.
Now, fans can watch all episodes of his series SOMEBODY’S GOTTA DO IT on Pure Flix.
“These are people who wake up kind of agitated because they think the world’s not quite the way it could be,” he told CBN News. “Some are on the quest to build a better mousetrap. Some are entrepreneurs. Some are bloody do-gooders.”
“It’s basically a look at people who you wish you had for neighbors,” Rowe added. “And just an attempt to shine the light on people who I think have to some degree figured out this weird balance of happiness in this strange time that we find ourselves living in.
“It was all just a big reminder that when you are fundamentally grateful, it’s very difficult to feel anxious or angry or bitter or resentful,” he said of the show.
Rowe’s heart for people and the success of the United States of America is apparent to anyone who has watched his show, listened to his podcast, or follow his social media.
Movieguide® previously reported on a blog post from Rowe, which talks about one of his favorite movies, IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE:
When former DIRTY JOBS host Mike Rowe was invited to join Sean Hannity’s HANNITY just before Christmas, Rowe thought the Fox host would focus on politics. Instead, Hannity and Rowe began a fascinating conversation about one of the most iconic characters in movie history: George Bailey of IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE.
“As my segment was about to begin, Hannity threw to a few soundbites of ordinary citizens who had lost their livelihoods during the lockdown. Specifically, restaurant owners who could do nothing but watch as everything they worked for slowly slipped away,” Rowe said.
Rowe continued: “I recall the despair in that woman’s voice. The desperation. And again, I thought of George Bailey, perched there on the edge of that bridge, coming to the terrible conclusion that he was worth more dead than alive.”
Rowe then brought George Bailey’s circumstances into real life and noted that many people today feel what George Bailey felt in the movie.
“I also thought about the suicide hotlines all over the country, many of which are receiving more calls than ever before. And it occurred to me that there is a better word to describe the way people feel who decide to jump from this life into the next,” Rowe said. “A word that’s become as ubiquitous as ‘irredeemable’ and ‘deplorable,’ but far more insulting, and far more deadly. That word, is ‘non-essential.'”
“It didn’t strike me just how cruel the term was in March, back when we began referring to doctors and nurses and first responders as ‘essential workers.’ Because really, who could argue with that characterization? What else can you call a worker who risks their lives to keep us safe?” Rowe confessed.
“I have no answers to these questions, but as I waited last Thursday to answer whatever trenchant query Hannity might eventually throw my way, it occurred to me that the majority of people who punch their own ticket do so not merely because they feel ‘irredeemable,’ or ‘deplorable.’ I think most people hang on right till they come to believe that they have become ‘non-essential,'” Rowe said.
Rowe added: “That’s how I think George Bailey felt, standing there on that bridge. He was a man with nothing to offer. A man who believed he was worth more dead than alive. A man who would have surely killed himself, but for an angel named Clarence who dropped into the rushing river and gave George Bailey something to do. Something essential.”
Rowe gave a final charge to his followers and told them that they matter and to hold on to hope.
“The holidays are a rough time of year for a lot of people. In particular, this holiday. In particular, this year. To those millions of Americans who have lost their livelihoods, now teetering on the edge your own metaphorical bridge, wondering if perhaps you’re worth more dead than alive, I say this: You still matter. You are still essential to someone, even if only to yourself. Why? Because you are still a part of a great tapestry – a single tile in a mighty mosaic that connects us all. And, because you are still loved. Which is a long way of saying, don’t jump,” Rowe concluded.