
RUNNING THE BASES Directors: Hollywood Told Us to Tone Down the Christianity in Our Movie

RUNNING THE BASES Directors: Hollywood Told Us to Tone Down the Christianity in Our Movie

By Movieguide® Staff

RUNNING THE BASES writers and directors Marty Roberts and Jimmy Womble say Hollywood told them to tone down the faith in their new movie, but they refused. They described what happened in an op-ed for the Western Journal.

“For the longest time, we wanted to get this movie made, but you’d be surprised how much opposition we ran into with Hollywood over its Christian themes,” the duo wrote.

“But we carried on. We continued without a big Hollywood partner and made the movie the way we wanted. We did it on our terms and with the tone and approach that we were seeking. As a result, we created a film that doesn’t lean on its Christianity like a crutch but instead celebrates it,” the said.

They continued:

The main characters in the film may have their faith questioned, but they never abandon it. As a result, they push forward towards their success, even against the odds. That’s a lesson many can learn right now as they ponder their own Christianity, even in the face of so many scrutinizing its place in the world.

So please don’t give up. If you believe in something, believe in something. You can certainly ask questions, but never lose sight of what you came to believe in the first place. Never lose sight of what it means to you and your family.

According to the Movieguide® review:

RUNNING THE BASES tells about a high school baseball coach who runs afoul of the school superintendent when the coach brings the superintendent’s son to Christ. As a senior in high school, Luke Brooks discovers he has the same congenital heart defect that killed his brother. This news shatters Luke’s dreams of becoming a professional baseball catcher. However, Luke finds new life when he learns he has a talent for coaching baseball. Twenty years later, after winning nine state championships for his hometown, Luke moves his family to Texas to coach at a larger high school. Luke must rely on God when the school superintendent objects to Luke’s public expression of his Christian faith.RUNNING THE BASES is a wonderful, inspiring, family-friendly drama about relying on Jesus. It has a strong Christian, biblical, moral worldview, with powerful references to prayer, faith, God, the Bible, religious liberty, evangelism, and Jesus. The acting is particularly good throughout the cast, but especially by Bret Varvel as the adult Coach Brooks. RUNNING THE BASES is one of the most captivating faith-based movies in the last few years.

Quality: - Content: +1
Quality: - Content: +4