
The Pro-Life Movement is Close to Kirk Cameron’s Heart — Here’s Why

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The Pro-Life Movement is Close to Kirk Cameron’s Heart — Here’s Why

By Movieguide® Contributor

Kirk Cameron believes in the pro-life movement. In a video shot posted to YouTube, the actor shared the touching story of his adopted daughter, Isabella.

“Stories move us, we remember stories…Here’s a story for you,” he began. “So, my daughter, Isabella, she contacted her birth mother, and she heard the story of how she found herself pregnant. She schedules an abortion. She goes down there, and she gets a flat tire on the way there. She reschedules the appointment for the abortion, and the next time she went down there, she didn’t have a car ride to get there. She didn’t have enough money to fix the car.”

Regardless of what she did, obstacles continued to get in the way of her having an abortion.

“She scheduled it a third time, and something else happened, and she was not able to make that appointment. And she determined that perhaps this just wasn’t meant to be and decides that she’s going to keep her. And that little girl grows up to be my daughter, Isabella. And now that birth mother comes to know Jesus over the course of time, and Bella spent this last Mother’s Day with her biological mother, meeting her for the first time, over Mother’s Day weekend. What an amazing story,” he concluded.

The pro-life and adoption movements are close to Cameron’s heart. Along with Isabella, he’s dad to five other kids, three of whom were also adopted. Movieguide® reported:

“Think about this. My wife was one doctor appointment away from not existing,”  Cameron said. “And our four children were also this close to not existing. And if  my wife hadn’t been born, neither would our two natural-born children.” 

His wife Chelsea Noble who he met while working on GROWING PAINS, was adopted herself, and that was a major factor in choosing to adopt four of their six children as he mentioned previously.  

“Chelsea and I waited six years before we started having kids and we got talking  about how it what that might look like. Chelsea and I started talking about the  subject of adoption. And this came up pretty naturally because my wife Chelsea is  an adopted child,” he explained. “And so this was something that was always a  part of her life and something that she’s always wanted to do.” 

There is a huge need for adoptive and foster care families in the United States. The National Council for Adoption stated, “For every child adopted from foster care, two children remained in care who were awaiting adoption.” The group also reported that “There were 53,665 children adopted from foster care in FY 2022,” and “There were 108,877 children awaiting adoption in FY 2022.”

Cameron’s 2022 movie LIFEMARK tackled these kinds of issues head-on.

“If you’ve been adopted, if you have adopted a child, if you’re thinking of adopting a child or if you support those who help women who are in unplanned and difficult pregnancies, you’re gonna love this movie because it’s pro-family, pro-love, pro-forgiveness, pro-reconciliation, pro-life, pro-parenting, and it’s just beautiful,” the actor told Movieguide® at the time.

Movieguide®’s review reads:

LIFEMARK is a well-made, heartwarming, inspiring movie produced by the Kendrick Brothers and Kirk Cameron, who also stars. The movie is solid throughout, with a positive Christian worldview. The movie promotes relying on God, believing God’s plan, forgiveness, and loving others. There’s also a beautiful pro-life message about adoption, giving life and the value of life. Don’t let the PG-13 rating stop you from seeing this movie. The movie’s themes about abortion and pro-life issues are the reason the Hollywood elites are giving LIFEMARK such a tough rating.

Quality: - Content: +4
Quality: - Content: +2