"Uneven, Mixed Rom Com"

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What You Need To Know:
LOVE, GUARANTEED plays like a Hallmark romance movie, but there are few laughs. Also, some of the acting could be better. The movie has a strong Romantic worldview stressing dating and emotional relationships. The movie contains some light, false New Age theology in a few scenes, but it also extols some strong moral values such as donating your time to help others, helping the helpless, family, and honesty. MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution for older children, because of the Romantic worldview in LOVE, GUARANTEED, brief foul language and references to being drunk.
More Detail:
LOVE, GUARANTEED is a romantic comedy streaming on Netflix about a female lawyer who takes on a case where a man wants to sue an online dating company for not finding love, because the company guarantees all its clients will find love. Sadly, LOVE, GUARANTEED offers few laughs, and its positive moral elements are marred by a Non-Christian view of romance, brief foul language and references to being drunk.
The movie opens with Susan arguing a case in court. Susan is a civil litigator and loves work pro-bono. However, the pro-bono work is hurting Susan’s business, and she can’t pay the bills for her firm. The problems at Susan’s office also carry home. Susan lives next to her sister and her growing family and is very lonely eating take out every day of the week by herself.
The next morning, Susan stops at a coffee cart while on the phone talking work. She doesn’t even realize she’s cutting off a man in line behind her. The man says something, and Susan apologizes and walks away. However, the two of them just so happen to be walking the same way, so he catches up with Susan to chat.
The man introduces himself as Nick. When Susan arrives at her office, and Nick waits to also enter, she realizes she had just been rude to her 9 a.m. appointment. Susan welcomes Nick inside and asks him about his potential case. Nick informs her he’s on the dating app Love, Guaranteed, and that after 968 dates he still hasn’t found love, even though it was guaranteed.
At first, Susan thinks this is comical and asks how he’s been on that many dates. Nick tells her breakfast, lunch and dinner of course. However, as Nick continues to tell Susan about his dating life, he points out that the fine print in the terms and conditions says the company says love is guaranteed in 1,000 dates. Nick tells Susan he’s almost to that number and will pass it shortly. Susan thinks Nick wants the lawsuit for the money, but she agrees to look over the case because he’s willing to pay her.
After doing some research, Susan takes the case. Susan’s associates at her firm believe she needs to experience dating on the Love, Guaranteed app to better understand the case. Susan goes on a few dates and experiences the clichés of online dating. At the same time, she also starts to vet Nick’s past dates to see if he’s really a gentleman truly looking for love.
When Nick tells Susan he has his 1,000 date a few weeks later, Susan decides she will go to the restaurant to spy on him. She notices Nick’s date is going horribly. Then, Susan is called out at the restaurant from one of her past dates, so Nick realizes she’s there. The two of them end up having dinner together and hitting it off, as more than lawyer and client.
However, this budding relationship could hurt Nick’s chances at winning his lawsuit.
LOVE, GUARANTEED is a romantic comedy that plays exactly like a Hallmark romance movie. Sadly, there are few laughs in this movie, so viewers most likely won’t find much comedy. Best known for her role in the 1999 romantic comedy SHE’S ALL THAT, Rachael Leigh Cook plays Susan, but doesn’t live up to her rom-com past. Her co-star Damon Wayans, Jr., however, outshines her here.
LOVE, GUARANTEED has a strong Romantic worldview where the story is focused on dating and finding love without God. The movie contains some light, false New Age theology in a few scenes, but it also extols some moral values such as donating your time to help others, helping the helpless, family, and honesty. For example, both main characters do much of their work on a volunteer basis. MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution for older children, however, because of the Romantic worldview in LOVE, GUARANTEED, brief foul language and references to being drunk.