

"Fictitious Tale Surrounding a Great Playwright"


What You Need To Know:

MOLIERE is a fictitious look at the renowned “Father of French Comedy.” At the age of 22, following a spell of imprisonment for debt, Moliere disappeared without a trace for several months. The filmmakers take this disappearance as the starting point for their movie. In their tale, a wealthy married, businessman pays Moliere’s debt in return for Moliere agreeing to train him as an actor so he might perform a one-man play for a young woman he wants to woo. Moliere begrudgingly agrees. Soon, he finds himself in an elaborate adventure of disguise, intrigue, passion, and danger. In order to confound the wealthy man’s wife, Moliere pretends to be a priest, Tartuffe, but he finds himself falling in love with her.

Filled with comical situations, MOLIERE the movie plays with all the gusto of a French farce. It is largely character driven, so it drags sometimes and could use some editing. There are some very strong references to Christianity, Jesus Christ, the Bible, and prayer, but all of these are countered with adultery, lying, thievery, and other anti-biblical elements. MOLIERE is a delightful movie, but MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution.


(RoRo, AB, CC, Pa, Cap, L, V, S, N, AA, MM) Mostly Romantic worldview where emotion is the height of the human experience with anti-biblical morality that includes adultery as being part of the “love” experience, some strong allusions to Christianity as people pray, discuss being a “good Christian”, actor portraying a priest prays and reads from the Bible along with positive mention of Jesus Christ, a few quick pagan references with the context of literary devices as actors proclaim, “by Jove” and a script about Zeus, plus some positive capitalist content; one obscenity and four light profanities (“My God!”); very light comedic violence as a man falls off a stage and another man is kicked in a comedic sequence, and implied accidental shooting of hunting dog; sexual content includes dialogue and innuendo, some heavy adulterous kissing, and implied adultery; light nudity includes female cleavage, a classic painting on the wall shows the backside of a nude woman and naturalistic rear upper female nudity; alcohol content includes one scene of implied drunkenness in a bar, and some light wine drinking with dinner; no smoking; and, miscellaneous immorality includes lying between almost every character as well as some theft and blackmail mostly done by the story’s villain, who is rebuked.

More Detail:

A French movie, MOLIERE is a fictitious look at the famed master dramatist and renowned “Father of French Comedy.” Filled with comical situations, the movie plays with all the gusto of a French farce stage production. However, some of the immorality, especially the adulterous themes, mars what would otherwise be an enjoyable movie.

At the age of 22, following a spell of imprisonment for debt, Moliere disappeared without a trace for several months. The filmmakers take this strange disappearance as the starting point for their movie.

In their tale, a very wealthy, and married, businessman pays Moliere’s debt in return for Moliere agreeing to train him as an actor so that he might perform a one-man play for a young woman that he wants to woo. Moliere begrudgingly agrees. Soon, he finds himself in an elaborate adventure of disguise, intrigue, passion, and danger.

In order to confound the wealthy man’s wife, Moliere pretends to be a priest, Tartuffe, who has come to live at their estate in order to tutor their youngest daughter in mathematics and theology. Portraying a man of piety proves, however, to be Moliere’s greatest acting challenge, as he finds himself falling in love with the wealthy man’s wife.

Through a comical, and sometimes dramatic, series of events, Moliere learns all the elements that will make him one of the greatest authors in the history of French theatre.

The movie, which is in French with English subtitles, is largely character driven. Within that context, it has some very solid elements dramatically as every character grows and changes dynamically throughout the story. However, to its detriment, the movie lags at times and could have taken advantage of some more editing.

Some of the moral elements also diminish what could have been a wonderful tale. There are some very strong references to Christianity, Jesus Christ, the Bible, and prayer, but all of these positive elements are countered with adultery, lying, thievery, and other anti-biblical elements. All in all, MOLIERE is a delightful movie, but MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution.

Quality: - Content: -1
Quality: - Content: -1