"Melancholic Economic Realities"

None | Light | Moderate | Heavy | |
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What You Need To Know:
WENDY AND LUCY would have been more effective if there had been some sort of triumph by the heroine. The movie’s realistic atmosphere offers little hope, save for one character who does his best with what little he has to help Wendy. The camerawork is like a homemade movie, but it fits. The acting is good. MOVIEGUIDE® advises extreme caution, however, because of strong foul language, brief marijuana use, a light humanist worldview, an anti-Christian tone in one scene, stealing, lying, and an unsettling scene with an insane homeless man.
(H, PC, AP, AB, B, LL, N, DD, M) Light humanist worldview where characters rely on their fellow man rather than God to solve their needs and problems, along with a subtle liberal stance in regards to the United States and its current economic state, light anti-Christian elements in one scene where an antagonist wears a large cross necklace, and light moral elements when woman receives help from a stranger; 12 obscenities and two profanities; no violence; no sex; naturalistic nudity where woman is changing clothes and she has underwear on; no alcohol; brief drug use depicted with marijuana; and, stealing, lying and one scary scene where woman encounters an insane, homeless man in the woods at night.
More Detail:
WENDY AND LUCY tells the story of Wendy Carroll, a young, isolated woman driving to Alaska in hopes of finding work at a fishing cannery during the summer as a means to starting a new life with her dog, Lucy. During the course of their journey, Wendy’s car breaks down in Oregon, providing the catalyst for a series of events, which force her to make some tough choices (not always the right choices) in regards to her economic situation.
WENDY AND LUCY is a road film, where the plot takes place during a journey. In this movie, however, the audience is only allowed to see a brief snapshot of Wendy’s journey toward making a better life for herself and her dog. The overall effectiveness of the movie would have been better if there had been some sort of triumph by the heroine of the story. The movie’s very realistic portrayal of life offers little hope for viewers, save for the one character in the movie, the Walgreens security guard, who does his best with what little he has to help Wendy in her economic situation.
Although the camera work is done in the style of a homemade movie, it is very fitting for the overall effect that the filmmakers are trying to achieve. The acting is very well done, especially that of Michelle Williams, who plays the character of Wendy.
However, there are a few elements requiring strong caution for viewers, such as the use of strong foul language and a couple of brief instances of drug use. Also, Wendy steals food for herself and her dog in order to save money, and then lies about what she did after getting caught. The grocery store employee who catches her is wearing a pronounced cross necklace and tells his manager that they need to make an example of her. This seems to be a light jab at Christianity. Finally, there is an unsettling scene where Wendy encounters an insane, homeless man in the woods while she is sleeping.