


What You Need To Know:

BLACK NATIVITY is a musical drama inspired by Langston Hughes’ play. The story follows Langston, a teenager living with his single mother in Baltimore. With Christmas right around the corner, Langston finds out he and his mother are being evicted from their home. Nowhere to go, his mother decides to send Langston alone to stay with his grandparents in Harlem. For some reason, Langston’s mother stopped speaking to them right before he was born. Her decision to send Langston to Harlem sparks tension, reveals secrets, and tests everyone’s faith.

BLACK NATIVITY is a moving, powerful story that extols God’s Grace, faith, and family. The cast does a wonderful job bringing their characters to life. The musical numbers are beautiful. The ones at the end are brilliantly integrated into the family’s story. Best of all, BLACK NATIVITY has an uplifting, inspiring message of Christian faith. Filled with Scripture, Gospel songs, worship, and prayer, BLACK NATIVITY makes a clarion call for reconciliation through forgiveness. There’s a threat of violence in one scene and a couple “d” obscenities, so MOVIEGUIDE® advises a light caution for BLACK NATIVITY.


(CCC, BBB, L, V, M) Very strong Christian, moral worldview extols God’s grace, forgiveness, prayer, reconciliation, redemption, faith, family, and Christ’s divinity, with a large portion taking place in a church during a Christmas program that includes readings from Scripture; one clear use of the “d” obscenity and another muddled use, one light profanity; no violence, but teenager does point a gun at a man intending to rob him but nothing; two implications of unwed pregnancies; no nudity; no alcohol; no smoking; main character tries to steal multiple times but fails, implied racism, teenager gets his backpack stolen, and a dysfunctional family that, however, finds reconciliation.

More Detail:

BLACK NATIVITY is a musical drama inspired by Langston Hughes’ play of the same name. It’s a brilliant, uplifting piece of filmmaking that highlights God’s Grace.

The story follows Langston, a teenager living with his single mother Naima (Jennifer Hudson) in Boston. With Christmas right around the corner, Langston finds out he and his mother are being evicted from their house. Nowhere to go, his mother decides to send Langston over to his grandparents. For some reason, she stopped speaking to them right before Langston’s birth. Langston protests his mom’s decision because he doesn’t even know his grandparents, but she decides it’s the best thing to do.

Naima places Langston on a bus headed to Harlem, where her parents live. Upon arriving in downtown New York City, Langston is introduced to a harsher, more chaotic environment than understands. After his backpack gets stolen, Langston wanders into a fancy hotel looking for a phone where a wealthy guest confuses him for a thief, and Langston’s arrested. A tough looking black guy in the cell taunts and teases Langston.

Langston is released from jail into the custody of his grandfather, the Reverend Cobbs (Forest Whitaker). Already disappointed with how quickly his grandson got into trouble, the Reverend takes Langston home to the warm welcome of his grandmother, Aretha (Angela Bassett). Even though the Reverend is strict and a little rough around the edges, he and Aretha clearly love and miss their daughter, Naima, who still refuses to speak to them because of a past event. Langston tries to figure a way to get the money Naima and he need to pay the rent or find a new home in Baltimore. He’s willing to do almost anything to get it.

As the Reverend begins his annual Black Nativity musical program on Christmas Eve, Langston prepares his plan to get back home. But the reasons for his family’s separation starts to come to light and Langston’s motives begin to change.

BLACK NATIVITY is a moving, beautiful story that emphasizes Christian faith, family, and forgiveness. The cast does a wonderful job bringing life to their characters, including Jennifer Hudson as the mother, Forest Whitaker and Angela Bassett as the grandparents, and Jacob Latimore as the Langston. The cast does really well with all the musical numbers, which reveal their individual character’s emotions. The whole thing is brilliantly written and directed by Kasi Lemmons, an actress who previously directed EVE’S BAYOU (1997) and TALK TO ME (2007). The emotional high points come at the movie’s ending, which includes a musical dream sequence where Langston dreams of the Birth of Jesus talking place in Harlem as the church performers sing about God, Jesus, and the Nativity. The musical dream sequence is beautifully integrated with the theatricality of the church performance. It also makes a great transition for the movie’s climax, which resolves all the story’s conflicts in a beautiful, inspiring, and dramatically powerful way. That said, some viewers, especially those unfamiliar with the history and techniques of musical performance in movies, might find this musical sequence, and even the other musical numbers, off-putting. Of course, if you also really don’t like musicals, then BLACK NATIVITY is not the movie for you anyway.

Best of all, however, BLACK NATIVITY has a really strong, uplifting message of Christian faith. Filled with Scripture, Gospel songs, and prayer, the movie calls for reconciliation among estranged family members. In the final moments, Langston sums up everything as he says, “It’s time to forgive, it’s time to be redeemed, and it’s time to come home.” This heartwarming important message about faith and family is at the heart of what Movieguide® is all about. It makes the ending of BLACK NATIVITY stand out among other Christmas movies, in a good way. There is a threat of violence in one scene and a couple “d” obscenities, however, so MOVIEGUIDE® advises a light caution for BLACK NATIVITY.

Quality: - Content: +4
Quality: - Content: +4