

"Great Inspirational Concept Marred by Poor Pacing"


What You Need To Know:

EVERYDAY MIRACLES follows a young faith healer named Cotton, as he tries to escape his past and start over. He gets a job on a family farm run by a widowed man and his daughter. However, Cotton’s mother hunts him down and will do everything in her power to get her money-making son back on the road with her revival business. Cotton must confront the past he left behind while finding a way to continue to live the new life he’s found for himself.

EVERYDAY MIRACLES had the potential to be something great, with some great acting, especially by Gary Cole. However, it falls short due to a poorly paced script. The story moves too quickly, and most of the serious moments are cringeworthy. That said, EVERYDAY MIRACLES has a strong Christian, moral worldview with themes of forgiveness and faith at the forefront. Also, there are plenty of church scenes, revivals and depictions of prayer throughout the movie. Marriage, forgiveness and taking care of others are also seen as praiseworthy. MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution for younger children because of some violence in EVERYDAY MIRACLES.


(CCC, BB, AB, VV, AA, D, M):

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:
Very strong Christian worldview where forgiveness, faith, loss, healing, and appreciating God’s everyday miracles are the main themes, prayer is depicted as well as church services where characters sing hymns and revival meetings centered on God and Jesus, with moral elements of taking care of others and marriage extolled as well as loving those around you, but a woman tries to take advantage of the church for money

Foul Language:
No foul language, but boy is seen picking his nose, vomit seen on a dead body from an overdose

Mother tried to harm her daughter to get her son to come back and accidently kills her, mother slaps son, and a dead body is seen

No sex scenes but unmarried couple kisses two times but eventually gets married

No nudity

Alcohol Use:
Drunkenness shown two times and gets rebuked, people seen drinking alcohol casually

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
Two instances of smoking cigarettes; and,

Miscellaneous Immorality:
Breaking and entering, greed, dysfunctional family portrayal where a mother manipulates her son and daughter.

More Detail:

EVERYDAY MIRACLES follows a young faith healer, who he tries to escape his past and start over on his own. With a strong Christian worldview, EVERYDAY MIRACLES had the potential to be something great with some good acting, but it falls short due to a poorly paced script and some awkward serious moments.

The movie opens with a young man named Cotton as he walks, drunk, down a deserted road while trying to find a ride. Cut to later that night. A storm, and a loud noise coming from the barn outside, wakes up young Emily and her father, Clay. Clay makes his way outside to see what the ruckus is about and finds Cotton passed out in his barn.

The next morning arrives, and Cotton and isn’t sure where he is. Cotton heads outside and meets Clay and Emily. Clay gives Cotton some work around the farm for the day. However, before getting to work, Cotton heads up to the house to get some food from Max, the young woman who comes to help Clay cook and clean. While working later that day, Emily comes to talk to Cotton and fills him in on her and her father’s life, and how her mother and older brother died in a car accident.

At the end of the day, Cotton asks Clay if he could continue to work for him. Clay lays some ground rules and also tells Cotton he can stay on the cot in the barn, and Cotton accepts. The next day, Clay and Emily head to church, and Cotton stays back at first. However, Clay spots Cotton outside the church listening in during the service. While working on the farm later that day, Cotton performs what looks like a miracle when he calms a horse that’s having a bad day.

A few days later, a man shows up to the farm to leave a flyer for a revival that’s taking place nearby. Cotton immediately knows that his past has caught up with him and fills Clay in on his life before the farm.

Cotton explains that his family holds revivals and that his father was a preacher. However, his father passed away, and it was then just Cotton, his mother and his younger sister. Cotton then explains how his mother is convinced that Cotton has the gift of healing people and exploited that gift to earn money for the family. That’s when Cotton ran away.

Now that Cotton’s mother has found him, he’ll have to confront the past he left behind while finding a way to continue to live the new life he’s found for himself.

EVERYDAY MIRACLES has veteran actors that could have helped the movie shine. Gary Cole does a great job as one of the main characters, but his performance wasn’t enough to keep the movie afloat. Sadly, the script moves way too quickly, and most of the moments meant to be serious came out being more cringeworthy and awkward than inspirational.

That said, EVERYDAY MIRACLES has a strong Christian worldview with themes of forgiveness and faith at the forefront. Church scenes, revivals and depictions of prayer are seen throughout the movie. Marriage and taking care of others is also extolled. MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution for younger children because of some violence in EVERYDAY MIRACLES.

Quality: - Content: +1
Quality: - Content: +1